Multiple work/scool account

Multiple work/scool account



 May 18 2022
5 Comments (5 New)

Allow usage of Universal Print when multiple work/school accounts are configured in user's profile.


Today whith an AADj computer stops working if the user adds a Work/school account


This is great feedback! It's not currently on our roadmap, but we'll consider it for future updates.

Status changed to: Looking into it
Copper Contributor

we also have a customer that is having universal print. and now there are some employees that are getting a extra 365 work/school account for a other company and when they added it, universal print stopts working.   When adding a new printer, the message is shown that the account is not logged in. 

when i detach/remove the secundairy account, universal print is working again (after reboot) 

Copper Contributor

Hi! Is there an update to this topic? 

Copper Contributor

Any updates on this? We're running into the same issue.