Teams Adaptive card Textrun is rendering markdown

Copper Contributor

I am making bot alarm message using adaptivecard.

It is important for me to print out the user name and email accurately.
So I tried to use TextRun to prevent markdowns from being supported.(
But there is a problem that textrun is being marked down on ios mobile, tablet.


this is my adaptive card json.


{"type":"AdaptiveCard","$schema":"","version":"1.3","body":[{"type":"TextBlock","text":"**Microsoft Entra ID**","size":"Large","wrap":true},{"type":"TextBlock","text":"user 5","size":"Medium","wrap":true},{"type":"RichTextBlock","inlines":[{"type":"TextRun","text":"- ``Use `code` in your Markdown file.(\n","size":"Small"},{"type":"TextRun","text":"- + First item(test'email address removed for privacy reasons)\n","size":"Small"},{"type":"TextRun","text":"- ** test12041432(test'''email address removed for privacy reasons)\n","size":"Small"},{"type":"TextRun","text":"- > test12041435(test''email address removed for privacy reasons)\n","size":"Small"},{"type":"TextRun","text":"- 1. adsfsdafsdf *{}*asdfadsf*_~ark~(test'''email address removed for privacy reasons)","size":"Small"}]},{"type":"TextBlock","text":"user 5","size":"Medium","wrap":true},{"type":"RichTextBlock","inlines":[{"type":"TextRun","text":"- ``Use `code` in your Markdown file.``(\n","size":"Small"},{"type":"TextRun","text":"- + First item(test'email address removed for privacy reasons)\n","size":"Small"},{"type":"TextRun","text":"- ** test12041432(test'''email address removed for privacy reasons)\n","size":"Small"},{"type":"TextRun","text":"- > test12041435(test''email address removed for privacy reasons)\n","size":"Small"},{"type":"TextRun","text":"- 1ASDFASDFSADFASD asdfadsfsd *{}*adsfasdf*_~ark~(test'''email address removed for privacy reasons)","size":"Small"}]}]}




I used \ to escape markdown on textblock, but there was a phenomenon where \ for escape was output together on mobile (Android, ios) even though it was properly rendered on pc.


i want to know:

Is there any way to output properly without markdown on adaptive card?
PC, mobile, table should be supported in all environments.


and I think it's a bug that textrun is rendered as a markdown in ios environment so please solve it.



that's adaptive card json rendering exapmle



ios mobile: 


and escape \ example: 





스크린샷 2024-03-08 093451.png


2 Replies
Hello @Seon_Park Thanks for raising your query, we will investigate and let you know the updates.
Hello @Seon_Park
We are also able to repro this issue, we will check internally and get back to you.
Update : We raised a bug for this issue, we will keep you posted on the updates. Thank you