Targeted release

Iron Contributor


Is there a way to pull out a list of users that have targeted release?

I am looking for a powershell script.


4 Replies

@JFM_12 - Currently there is no such option available to get list of users that have targeted release.
There is no such property available here as well: Get-MsolUser (MSOnline) | Microsoft Learn


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Prasad Das


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Hello Prasad
After some searching I found this command
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "email address removed for privacy reasons" | select UserPrincipalName, ReleaseTrack
Could this be the command?

@JFM_12 - Yes, you can check the response to identify user with the ReleaseTrack property set to "TargetedRelease" or a similar value.


Btw where is it documented? I checked but could not find the property anywhere in this doc.