Oct 10 2023 02:06 AM
Dear Experts,
I have a list called "Variants" and there are 172 items in that. There is a column called "Variant Name" which we use to store variant name. Where as "Title" is used to store the Variant ID.
On the search part we have used the PnPSearch webparts to show the results, Refiners and Search box.
The issue is when we search the variant name we are not getting any results on top. The search results are very inconsistent and not as expected.
For example if the variant name is "NY 542 Residency check", Only Residency as search keyword is returning the results but not any of the other keywords like NY, 542, NY 542, NY*, "NY 542", "NY 542 Residency check"
To resolve this we have used ranking as well on Asset Name but no improvement.
We thought, There could be some issue with the crawl, So we have Reindexed the list multiple files.
Please see the below screenshots
An item in the results
Screenshot 2:
We have seen the following document from microsoft about KQL queries and still we are not able to get the result as expected.
Please help.
Oct 19 2023 04:03 AM
Hello @pavan575
i have created a list and i can search by every keyword in the column "Variant name".
You can also restrict the query to search only elements with the exact match. I have mapped the site column to a RefinableString, your query can look like this:
{SearchBoxQuery} RefinableString21:{SearchTerms}
Hope this helps.
Best, Dave
Oct 29 2023 10:45 PM
@DaveMehr365 I have been already using that. The following is my QueryText
{searchTerms}* Path:https://<sitecollectionurl>/sites/UAT-varientrepository/Lists/Variants (contentclass:STS_ListItem OR IsDocument:True) RefinableString00=Published XRANK(cb=5000) RefinableString08:{searchTerms}*
Is there any other way?