Shared Folder in a SharePoint mobile App

Copper Contributor

Hi All,

If I share only one folder from a specific SharePoint site then how can users be able to see that folder and the folder's content on the mobile app? I tried adding a shortcut to that folder from the browser but there's no option to open that shortcut in the SharePoint app itself. Could you please direct me in the right direction?

3 Replies
This is a very interesting question...I think the Sharing functionality simply does not provide this behavior and when you share a folder and the users receive it, when clicking the mobile browsers / OneDrive App (not tested this) are going to open
Thank you for your reply!
Yes, when I open the link from the teams or Outlook, it opens up in one drive. Since we are restricting the apps on the phone, we don't want to install any other apps and only limit the users to use SharePoint/OneDrive. Is there anyway they can open it up directly by shortcuts?
Thank you!


I'm afraid there is not to do that