External User Opening Shared Editable File is Forced to Request Access

Copper Contributor

Why are my external users forced to request permission to open a file that I have shared with them for editing from within SharePoint?  Here is the scenario:

The user receives the editable sharepoint link from me in their email, clicks on the link, requests a one-time code that is sent to their email, enters that code and then sees this message:

"You need permission to access this item." and a box where they can type in a message and a button labeled "Request Access"


If I have sent them the link with edit permissions, why are they being asked to request permission?  That request would go to me who is the person who sent them the editable link in the first place.  As the admin, do I need to change some setting in our SharePoint?


3 Replies
Have you had any luck finding a solution to this? I have a folder in SharePoint (Not document library) that I have shared with an internal user. But just like your scenario, when I share the folder with them they get a message "You need permission to access this item".

@barlage Thanks for reminding me I needed to reply to this item.  Yes, I reached a Microsoft tech person who knew right away what the issue was.  As I suspected I had a conflicting setting. The trick is to make sure that under Settings-Site Permissions-Change How Members Can Share, "Allow access requests" must be turned off.  See the sequence of screenshots below.  Will be happy to learn if this solves your problem too.







@pensusan , Thanks. Unfortunately I had that setting correct already, and I still have the same issue.


Thanks again for sharing your solution.