Allow users to only edit one of the fields in a list

Copper Contributor

I have a list that has multiple fields. I only want users to be able to edit one of the fields and I want them to be able to do by directly clicking the items (maybe through a button?) without going to the list or using 'edit in grid'. How can I do so?

3 Replies

Hi @Samson1915 ,

do you mean like inline editing?

Inline Edit.gif

You can achieve that by applying this json formatting to all of the columns you want to make editable.

  "elmType": "div",
  "inlineEditField": "=@currentField",
  "txtContent": "=@currentField"

See more information here 

Or you can do some more advanced stuff, like this sample that provides some buttons that set the approval state of an item 

Best Regards,

Hi Sven,


Thank you for your reply. I am aware of the inlinEditField and I have tried it. I am working on the Gallery layout and when I apply the code, only the title field can be edited which is not my designated field. I wonder how I can choose which field to edit.


Best regards




Hi @Samson1915 ,

you can do the following to make a text field (like Value in my example) editable in gallery view

First copy your gallery view formatting code and put it into a text editor.


Then find the line that displays your field "Value"

"txtContent": "=if ([$Value] == '', '–', [$Value])"

and add this line above or below it.

"inlineEditField": "[$Value]",

Paste the resulting code back into the code editor on the  "Format View" screen and confirm with "Save"



Now "Value" is inline editable in "Gallery View"


Best Regards,