Copy Project Programmatically

Copper Contributor

Is there any way to copy a project programmatically? I am aware the we can copy project from UI but I need to automate that process?  

7 Replies
Hi Paul .Thanks for the answer. msdyn_copyprojectv3 works with Project operations project and not with projects created in projects online interface(

Hello @Kingson_A ,

Are you trying to copy a Project for the web project or a Project Online project? These are different apps. If it is Project for the web, that code sample should work (the docs are all for Project Operations).


I need to automate Project Online project copy functionality

Hello @Kingson_A ,

Is this the "Save As" option from MS Project client? Copy Project is a feature in Project for the web, not in Project Online. Can you send a screen shot so we know for sure what app you are using?


@Paul Mather Attaching the screenshot for reference



That is Project for the web, not Project Online @Kingson_A  - the code sample should work, have you tried it?
