changing email address

Copper Contributor

When I change a change a contact's email address in Outlook, the old email address shows up as the contact's display name.  How do I get rid of the old address?

2 Replies

Hi @Rick_Wiley,

Here's what you can do:

1. Fix the Display Name:
- Open up the contact you want to update.
- There's usually a spot for the display name
- Make sure it's showing the right name, not the old email address.
- Hit save to lock in the changes.

2. Try turning off Cache Mode:
- Sometimes Outlook holds onto old info. It's like it's stuck in memory.
- Close Outlook for a sec.
- Head to your Control Panel (look up "Mail").
- Find "Mail (Microsoft Outlook)" and open it.
- Look for "E-mail Accounts" and click on your email account.
- Turn off "Use Cached Exchange Mode."

LeonPavesic_0-1692960607802.png- Restart Outlook and see if the new info shows up. If it does, you can switch cached mode back on.

3. Delete old and create a new contact:
- If things are still funky, you can delete that contact with the old email.
- Create a brand-new contact with the right email and name.


Hope this helps sort out the email address mix-up

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Kindest regards,

Leon Pavesic

Thanks @LeonPavesic,

None of those worked.  The old email address doesn't show up in the contact info - only when I add the contact to a contact list.  Then it shows the old address as the contact's name with the new email address as the recipient.  When following your second recommendation, I only get two choices - Change sync settings or delete account.  I still haven't found a way to turn off cached mode, which I think is the problem.
