MSIX Container questions?

Copper Contributor


I am trying to package a desktop application with MSIX for a win32 app - I am new to this so I am not sure on the terminology / buzz words I should be using :)


1. Block File System access.


Is it possible to limit its file system access so I can restrict it so it can only read and write to its own container. As well as limit files it can open with its file requestor. (So it can’t access the files on the host machine).


2. Block Registry access.


Same for registry access - only access the container's registry. (Not the host).


3. Block LAN / Internet access.


Can I also block Internet / LAN access.


I am hoping these things are possible :)


Could I also get some further documentation on how to achieve this. 


Thanks Ward


1 Reply
There are no built-in capabilities for the controls you requested. I'll mention that, by default, files that are part of the package are already prevented from being changed, but there are capabilities to change that behavior when needed.

There are no methods to block access outside of the container in any of the three ways you questioned, however a programmer would be able to modify the fixups of the PSF to enable such blocks. But your request isn't as straight-forward as you might think. You can't block access to all files or all registry outside of the container as system dlls (and registry they access) are still necessary. But targeted blocking might be achievable.

So, while you could build something, it really sounds like the wrong solution to what you want to achieve.