Service Desk

Brass Contributor

I wonder if anyone can help, I need a service desk solution that isn't a full blown contact center, but is also more feature rich than native queue. here is what I need...

1 queue for IT help desk. 10 agents.

Hours of business functionality, route call to external number out of hours

Dashboard for the queue, to see if any calls waiting and also Agent status for all 10 users

Ability for manager to force login for the Agent

Call stats reporting to be real time on the dashboard

Ability to upload recordings and replace existing

greeting to be played before passed to an agent

In queue messages

timeout for queue

re-route from queue after waiting for x minutes

Not sure if there is anytihng around that can add that functionality at a reasonable cost

1 Reply
Hi @DwightShrute - your requirements look like more towards a contact center one. Do you need this solution to run on Microsoft Teams? If yes, you may try Zervise or any other app from Appsource. It may serve most of your requirements if not all.
