My Laptop shuts down during TEAMS calls

Copper Contributor

Like few other collogues I'm using a new Lenovo L13 Yoga. We are using Microsoft TEAMS as our formal application for conference and video calls.
Recently we started facing a "random" issue in which after some time in the call, the computer shuts down. the shut down accrues without a warning and it is a brute force shutdown i.e. without a safe close of all applications. It is as if you were pressing a long press on the power button.
We tried to reinstall TEAMS and to make sure that our laptops are working with the latest update, with no change.

Did anyone ever faced this phenomenon?

Any suggestions?



156 Replies

@bwilson   Just a quick update.  I made the Power changes on the 4  problem L13 laptops and so far after 48 hours no reported shutdowns.  I would like to add that this morning a 5th (mine) shut down when I joined a TEAMS meeting.   Up until now it has been the L13's with the i5 processor and 8gb ram.  I have not used mine for 3-4 weeks as I've been using the problem laptops so I can troubleshoot them live.  I was still on a 1.3 version of TEAMS and my laptop is an L13 however I have an i7 with 16gb ram.  The good news is I changed the power settings and was successfully in a meeting for the duration (35 minutes).  Fingers crossed and hope I didn't jinx things!  JD

Thanks everyone for the replies and assisting us here. Glad to hear it is working so far, and please let us know any successes or failures in testing. Sorry I was away for most of the day yesterday and couldn't reply but thank you all for taking the time to post back here.

Thanks JD1906
It is the same for us except only on the Gen1's L13 i5 8GBRAM we have a couple of Gen2's issued that have not reported the far!
My own is a Gen2 but the i7/16GBRAM no issues.

@eric_joely Hi guys, if like us you have a lot of L13 devices deployed then you can use the below script to automate this paired with whatever MDM you use.


REM Set Plugged in value

REM Set On Battery value


We are seeing a lot of this as well at our school.   Teams meetings are causing an abrupt shutdown.  It is not happening with any other application.  We also are using Lenovo Yoga L13s.  We have about 160 of these deployed.  We would be very interested in a solution.  It is wreaking havoc on our teacher's ability to conduct remote classes.


The workaround seems to be working for our devices.

Are there any news?

@bwilson   Just a quick update, so far so good.  Every L13 that I have made the power change on has not experienced the problem any further.

Very nice, let me check with the developer to see if any further news.
I appreciate everyone replying.
Still working with Lenovo for a long-term fix but as of now, the workaround provided is what should be leveraged for a current solution to this problem. You should not see any machine performance dip when you set this.
Also received positive feedback from our Yoga users.
I used the commands posted by ITSupport1 but some users had another power plan active ("Full Power"?) and required me to manually change the active power plan to balanced.
Other than that, this seems like a temporary (but working) fix.

Also an update from my side: all of our L13 Yoga are working now after i changed the energy settings as mentioned.
Hi Sam,
This is fantastic! I have tested on 2 laptops with the problem, 10 out of 10 the tweak kept the laptop on when on a Teams call (found out a charger needs to be connected to replicate the problem for me). Let's hope for a more long term fix.

@Sam Cosby 
I'm having the same issues with my Thinkpad E14(intel)
Disabling Hardware Acceleration for Microsoft Teams and Setting the Maximum processor state to 99% instead of 100% did not solve the problem for me as today my laptop shut down again while using teams


I think that is a problem with several model of Lenovo, 

We have reported problem with T480, T490 and T580 as well.


that is sad 😞

We are also experiencing this issue. After weeks of trying to isolate it down, it is starting to look like the Lenovo Intelligent Thermal Solution Driver Version on Yoga's that are not using the default Balanced Power Settings might be the culprit.

At first, we rolled back this Driver in Device Manager to and it would be okay for a few days or a week, until it auto-updated again.

Now, we are setting the Power Settings to the Balanced default and running your Script. So far making these two changes seems to "hold" our Yoga's in a working state.

My current Lenovo Intelligent Thermal Solution Driver Version was 2.0.369.1 on E14 (intel) dated as 01/14/2021 and installed on 02/08/2021.
Reverted it today to (dated as 11/16/2020)

Relevant information about my system I've posted in this thread
I've also suspected about the drivers since shutdown only happens while using teams and after February updates
I thought the culprit was "BIOS" or "LENOVO SYSTEM"

PS: I always use my laptop on balanced mode, because of the slider that allows me to control fan behavior 

I am sorry to hear this, did it happen to log an event in the event viewer, and was the processor state changed on the current power plan?

@bwilson  Nothng at all in the event Viewer. It took a lot of digging to track down the Driver updated for the Intelligent Thermal Solution Driver to the EXACT time that one of our first Users experienced the issue for the very first time.

The 369 Driver seems to be causing the issue when a system in not set to the Balanced Power Settings and the Max Processor is set to 100% versus 99%.


Great information, thank you so much!