OIManaged Google Play not working for Intune client

Brass Contributor

After setting app and enrolling Android device process, my client is stuck on this in chrome browser:



What I'm missing?



managed google play.jpeg



Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 09.56.31.pngScreenshot 2023-06-30 at 09.55.20.pngScreenshot 2023-06-30 at 09.53.48.png





  • Not able to finish setup, because not able to install work apps, keeps loading.
  • Not getting notification panel, recent and home button,
  • if I open Android settings, many options are disabled, I think because setup is not finished
  • If I open playstore somehow (by calling Google assistant) and from there I'm trying to download or update apps, that is also in pending state always!
5 Replies
Can you elaborate?
Please see the edited question, I added the screenshot. So while doing Android enrollment process through Microsoft Intune for client device, It is redirected to Google Chrome, where I entered user credential which is created from Microsoft Intune Admin Center. It is authenticating successfully and telling me to open this page, which is showing in this screenshot.

When I click on above link, it is not opening anything and I'm again redirecting to same page.

When I restarted the device, it is telling me to install Work apps, like Microsoft Authenitcator, but it is keep loading and not downloading, even though license and permission is granted from Microsoft Intune center.

Please check all other screenshots.
Thanks for sharing the details. How are you enrolling the device?