Autopilot Device Not Showing in Intune Admin Console

Iron Contributor

Hello all,


Just in the early stages of testing Autopilot with a single laptop.


I have done the following:- 


  1. Enrolment profile created
  2. Device hashid imported
  3. Dynamic group created
  4. Config profile created
  5. Scope tag created
  6. Enrolment status page created
  7. O365 app deployed

All the above married up with the correct group and scope.


I have reset the test laptop. On reboot I get the custom welcome screen and enter my company credentials.

Laptop goes through the build process and looks as expected. (only a simple environment configured)

Lets me login , O365 app installed, device name correct etc


The device is showing up in Azure AD but not in Intune, not in devices or under the config profile etc


I started the process when I was in the office and connected to the Ethernet, but as time ticked on to home time and the laptop was performing Windows updates, I powered the laptop off and took it home to continue. Will taking the device off the LAN have caused this issue? Or have I missed a simple step?


Any advice is appreciated.


Have a good one.



5 Replies
Looks like a case of device not calling home in a timely manner. It could be a case of impaired connectivity or a one of. Can you check the sync settings on the device? You can also look at device management diagnostic event log.
Thanks for the quick reply.

Have connected the laptop back to the LAN this morning an hit sync.. all looks ok.
The device management diagnostic event log , is that accessed via troubleshooting and support within Intune?

Will take a look now - thanks

Only error I can see is:
MDM PolicyManager: During Inbox found bad enrolment...(skipped out all the blurb)....deleting policies for the enrolment.
Timestamp was late in the evening.