Tech Community Live: Windows edition
Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

Apps are not installing at the time of enrollment

Copper Contributor

Hi People,


I am new in enrollment of the android devices. 

I have a few devices which I need to enroll as Corporate-owned, fully managed user device. 

In order to do so, I completed the steps below:

1. Scan the code

2. Login as company credentials.

3. Setup the pin number.

After that I am stuck at installing the apps.

As Microsoft Authenticator and Microsoft Intune are required apps, without that I can't do anything. 

Installation of that apps are just going for ever. 

Please see the screenshot  and help me if you can .Thanks20220524_163504.jpg

83 Replies
I was still having problems this morning, but I had two phones that pushed without issue this afternoon. Before that only used phones would push apps, anything new out of the box would not work. Anyone else have any luck today?

it's working for me since i added intune to exclusion list. try adding conditional access and put all cloud apps then exclude ms intune

I Enrolled 6 phones .. 1 went strait though the others took about 3/12 hrs for the apps to get ticked off

This thread seemed to have a lot of steam but then died off.   Is there a fix?


If anyone has info on how to get this working please share the details.



We're still seeing Devices have this issue, Still have a ticket open with MS and Google. Looks like it's on Googles side because they did have it working, but now it's back to some devices not working for us!



Hi guys, my problem was solved.
Due to my ignorance, i wasn't following some of my company's enrollment rules.
I advise you to review the "Dynamic Membership Rules".
Good luck guys, the future belongs to you.



Care to explain a bit further?   Any info would be great.

Microsoft have advised me that the "global issue" has been resolved but i am still seeing the issue on any phone I try and enrol. i have fed this back to them and they are once again "investigating"

if you just leave the phone sitting at the installing applications screen .. they will eventually get the green tick .... on average for me it is about 6-7 hrs

My problem was caused by an unknown rule implemented by my company.
I needed rename the device for enroll it. (Although sometimes he enrolled anyway, this is what confused me).
Thanks all, if anyone finds any more info please do post. Seems this is definitely a wide spread issue.
I just got the following on my Case #: 34512177
Hello Geoff,
Today we got a confirmation that some fixes were implemented, could you please let me know if you notice improvements on the device enrollment or if there are still devices getting stuck.
Jose Manuel Naranjo
Intune Support Escalation Engineer
Thanks for the update, I'll have to give my test device a few wipes and try enrolling.
Have you noticed a difference in successful enrolls?
Did they give any detail of what the cause was, just curious....
I'm not sure if you've seen any improvement, but I have not. I tried my test device a handful of times and it's just spinning on those 2 apps during enrollment :(
We did for a little while, but it's back to it's old slow tricks! I'm following-up with MS! :(
Im still seeing the slowness in installing the apps - Microsoft keeps asking me for screenshots and videos of the issue .. which I keep sending them.. im a bit over it TBH

Hi Geoff,

Any update on your case? Having the same issue, sometimes it works... Sometimes it doesn't. Very annoying.

Hi @GeoffB1155
Kindly let us know, if you got any update from MS regarding this issue.
Thanks in advance


We're still having this issue. They told us things would be fixed on the 28th, tested on the 29th and we still have the issue. 50% of our enrollments are delayed. If we find one were it's spinning we'll leave the device plugged into power overnight, by morning it's usually past that step. I'm still bugging MS for updates, but they make it sound like it's only us having this issue. 



They closed my case with out my acknowledgment as I was on leave for 2 weeks.  then when i came back and asked them to reopen the case they said they cant and  I need to log a new case.  so i lost 3 months worth of case history …. its like they don't want to admit there is an issue.  I am still too annoyed to relog the case at the moment …. and like you I just let them sit for a few hrs until the apps get the green ticks 

@Abcolg8 @GeoffB1155 I can add something, I supplied your case numbers and send them to Microsoft, to me they said there indeed is a problem and that they were sorry that they didn't act on that. The problem with our tenant is that we use Google's Zero Touch enrollment. If we delete the device from the zero touch portal and factory reset & use the QR code the enrollment suddenly goes very quickly. We submitted this to Microsoft and they have confirmed there is an issue at Google... But they closed it because of that and told us that in the near future google will be releasing a fix.


I quote the Microsoft engineer:

"This issue seems to bug file google team is working on it closely and pushing this patch on pilot method, there is no ETA for this it will resolve automatically same informed to customer"