Unable to view MS Form responses in Excel Sheet in OneDrive

Copper Contributor


Am currently using Enterprise OneDrive together with Microsoft Forms.
At present, we have an active form which is collecting responses.



However, when trying to view the results in an Excel sheet stored in OneDrive, we encounter the following error:



Is this due to MS Forms not being fully-integrated with Excel on OneDrive?

Any assistance with this issue is greatly appreciated.

Benjamin Wong

1 Reply
Based on the telemetry data we have, it appears that the OneDrive folder associated with the owner of this form is currently unavailable. If you were attempting to access the excel as a collaborator, I recommend asking the owner to attempt the same action to see if they are able to access it. You also can try selecting the "disconnect and sync to a new workbook" option from the dropdown list to see if that resolves the issue.