Lost access to form and responses

Copper Contributor

Recently, I conducted a survey and had the responses transfer into an excel file so the extended team could track the results. As of yesterday, I tried to check in, as well as someone else with access, and we have both lost access.


I believe it might be due to me deleting a Teams environment that the Form was created in, not knowing that that would lock me out of the form. It is not in my deleted forms, so I believe it still exists, but as I was the sole owner and have no ability to get back into the Teams environment that was removed, I'm wondering if there is any solution to this! 



1 Reply
The telemetry data shows that the form you're trying to access is a group form, and the associated group has been deleted. As a result, you're unable to access the form. To resolve this issue, I suggest that you contact your IT department and open a support ticket for the Product team. They can help generate a collaboration link that may grant you access to the form.