Announcing new Microsoft Forms features at Microsoft Ignite
Published Sep 27 2018 06:00 AM 35.4K Views

Millions of people have been using Microsoft Forms to create surveys, polls, and quizzes since it became generally available for Office 365 commercial users in April.We continue making investments to improve the Forms experience for our users, with a focus on bringing richer intelligence capabilities and deeper administrative controls. Along with those features, we have introduced a number of capabilities based on user feedback through UserVoiceRead on to see what we’re announcing this week at Microsoft Ignite in Orlando. These new capabilities will help you create forms faster, surface new insights from response data, and give you greater administrative flexibility. 


Improved intelligence 

We’re particularly excited about recent innovations around intelligence in Forms: design intelligence and Ideas. Based on the context of a survey, Forms intelligently suggests sets of questions, related questions, or choices for options for your form. Let’s assume you’re planning an event for your top customers. After typing “Team event survey” into the form title, Forms will return some suggested questions. You can pick which questions to use and add new ones—and just like that, you’ve created your survey without sacrificing valuable productivity time. Read more in this blog

design itelligence_update.jpg


Forms Ideas works in a similar way but for survey responses. You might send a team event survey to your top 20 contacts—but if you’re trying to poll all customers about a new product or conduct extensive market research, your surveys could go to thousands. Ideas pulls out patterns and trends in your response data and creates visualized charts and graphs of that summary information. Like design Intelligence, Ideas saves you the time required to manually aggregate every response while providing you relevant analysis for making better decisions. Read more in this blog.



New question type

You can now add Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions to your forms. NPS questions are the default method for measuring respondent sentiment about a particular activity. The most prevalent use case for NPS questions is customer loyalty, but they can also be used to understand the success of training seminars, corporate events, and more. Scaled Likert questions—for example, do you “Strongly agree,” “Neither agree nor disagree,” or “Strongly disagree” with a particular statement—help you gauge respondent sentiment about specific aspects of your business. Once answers are submitted, Forms gives you an intuitive summary of your Likert results, complete with visualized charts and graphs.

Understand respondent sentiment with new NPS questions.Understand respondent sentiment with new NPS questions.


Branding enhancements

Forms can now better represent your company’s brand with improved customization for survey logos, themes, backgrounds, and “Thank You” pages.


Get branding consistency across your forms with custom logos.Get branding consistency across your forms with custom logos.


Greater administrative flexibility

We’ve added several improved administrative capabilities to make managing Forms easier. One of these is ownership transfer, which enables form owners to transfer their form to an Office 365 Group. Once transferred, the form becomes part of that group, is shown in its own tab, and can be managed by any group member. Additionally, administrators will be able to use eDiscovery in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center to identify and export content found in Forms. (This feature is in development and will be available for all customers soon). Finally, since Forms is part of the Microsoft 365 family, it is compliant with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Read more about Forms compliance in this post.


Accessibility improvements

Forms, like other Microsoft 365 products, has full accessibility support with features like screen reader, keyboard navigation, and boosted contrast. We are constantly improving accessibility experience to empower all customers to achieve more. Go to our accessibility blog post to learn more.


Surveys, polls, and quizzes should be easy to create and help you gain valuable insights about your respondents. Design and Ideas, our newest intelligence features, help you do just that. Plus, existing integration with solutions like Microsoft Teams, Excel, SharePoint, and PowerPoint—and more are coming soon—bring Forms into the Office tools information workers love and use daily. With innovations like these, Forms is a faster, smarter, and more flexible way to get the information you need to make better business decisions.


We invite you to continue helping us improve Forms by submitted feature suggestions, or voting on existing ones, throughout UserVoice site. You can also engage with us and other Forms users on Tech Community, and stay current on the latest releases through our blog site.

Silver Contributor

You forgot to create toggles to disable many of these features.

Iron Contributor

I'm at Ignite and met with the Forms team to provide feedback. Great to see Microsoft proactively engaging customers and continuously driving towards giving them best in class tools to manage their businesses. Thank you!

Copper Contributor

Still missing that attachment feature... But I'm glad there's better branding and thank you pages.

Copper Contributor
It is hard to fathom how the Forms team is neglecting the number 1 missing feature preventing adoption in our (and many other) organizations: the lack of any reasonable method for logging out of Forms after completing a quiz. Just add a logout link! Every other web site or service gives you a means of logging out, why not Forms? The official response from support is that we need to configure all of our browsers to clear cache and cookies on exit or to solely use inprivate/incognito mode, which frankly is insulting and flabbergasting. What is so hard about adding a logout link or button?
Silver Contributor

Why does one need to logout from Forms?

Copper Contributor
Oleg asks "Why does one need to logout from Forms?" Let's put it in another context: "Why does one need to logout of Hotmail?" "Why does one need to log out of Facebook?" If you can log in, shouldn't you be able to log out? In an environment with shared computers, where the user of a given computer changes every hour, it is a requirement that the next person to use the computer no longer has access to the previous user's data or account. Think of a kiosk scenario, or in our case, a school with a cart of laptops that is rotated among classrooms and students throughout the day. Even aside from the opportunity for abuse and data loss, there is the issue that when a form such as a quiz is configured to only allow a user to submit it once, when the next user comes along to try to take the quiz, even though they are logged into their Office 365 account, when they open the form it is still logged in as the previous user. And there is no way to log them out of Forms other than clearing cookies and cache. The user doesn't know this: all they get is the message that they have already submitted the form (not true, that was the prior user), and there is no indication of who is logged in to Forms or any controls to log them out from the Forms page for the quiz.
Silver Contributor

Patrick, is the quiz anonymous in this case? It would be strange, if it was with sign-in required and still be left logged with previous user when opening a quiz after being logged in with another user into Office 365 portal. It probably might happen, if a quiz was set to anonymous, so then it would create some independent token for a responder and in that case it can only operate with cookies to remember it, but i haven't tested any of these scenarios. Windows accounts (or similar in other OSes) are designed to isolate users sign-ins and information. It can be used in shared scenarios too, also with SSO, so user would only have to login into Windows. Unless this PC is not domain/Azure joined. I guess MS decision is based on not enough users complaining/asking about this and not wanting to add another element to the quiz GUI, which can confuse responders (thinking should i log out after a quiz or should i login before answering).

Iron Contributor

Sounding positive! I love how it automatically embeds into OneNote and Sharepoint!


I'm still super keen on having being able to have multiple forms in the one workbook


Sheet One - Form 1

Sheet Two - Form 2

Sheet Three - Form 3


Then for surveys that arent anonymous I'd love Sheet Four to be all forms collated.


In my case, each Form would be very short. For example, some simple questions reflecting on the information my students have just studied from today's lesson.


This way I will be able to quickly see there reflections across the whole semester.


I can sort of do this now If I used the identical question for each reflection and allow multiple entries. But it's not ideal.





Copper Contributor

We need a few things in Education for more adoption to happen. 

1. Folders to organize

2. Ability to have multiple select (not just one correct answer)

3. Ability to add correct answers/keywords for short answer questions to be auto graded (Google already has this feature)

4. Matching questions, fill in the blank

5. Add comments to questions when grading

6. Partial credit option 


These are just a few, but teachers would use Forms and Teams more if these were features. 


Silver Contributor

Patrick, i have tested your issue today with a colleague and i must admit the design choice here is stupid and even not secure. It seems that Forms only watches for browser cookie to see what user is trying to reply to a form and not the actual session of an actual Office 365 user logged in (like every other Office Online app does). Not sure why they selected to do it this way.

Iron Contributor

Such a simple tool that I recommend to anybody. I'm so happy to see that Microsoft created a mature replacement for the "Survey" library in SharePoint. That thing was horrible. With Flow it's much easier to explain to the business how they use it. I see people using it for everything! Awesome! Keep new features coming!

Copper Contributor

Would love for there to be a way to open a form to a named list and track who has not responded.   

Iron Contributor

Hi Jeffery,


I like that suggestion.   If you post it in the Uservoice I'll vote for it 

Copper Contributor

What i'm missing is a solution that when I'm asking for several numeric data in a survey the numpad-keyboard opens per default on my tablet/phone and not always the QWERTY layout. 



Brass Contributor

Is there any update on the progress on administrators being able to use eDiscovery in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center to identify and export content found in Forms?


Hi @GregL thank you for the question. eDiscovery in Office 365 Security & Compliance Center is in Preview, here's a link to the annoucement. Forms is part of the preview. Administrators can now identify and export Forms content via eDiscovery. 

Copper Contributor

Are there any plans to add some sort of bot response restriction, such as captcha or something similar to prevent unwanted bot responses?

Copper Contributor
Need captcha and attachments.
Brass Contributor

Seems that captcha is requested since 2017 but MS team appears doesn't have skill to implement it!:facepalm:

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‎Aug 03 2023 03:44 PM
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