Allow authenticated but anonymous responses with one response per person
Published Jun 03 2018 07:15 PM 74K Views

We recently release a new feature to address one of the top feedback items on User Voice - Authenticated + anonymous + one response per person.

 UserVoice - Auth.png


In the “Settings” pane of Forms, you can now enable “One response per person” without checking “Record name.” This allows you to create an anonymous internal survey, limiting a single response for each person.




How does the feature work?

When people in your organization or school sign in and submit their responses, Forms will only log a hash key based on their Office 365 accounts, but not record their names or email addresses.


How about adding the same feature for external surveys outside of my organization?

We have this item on our list of future feature improvements.


Want to share your feedback?

We’d love to hear from you! Let us know what you think via this survey.

Bronze Contributor

Nice feature, thank you!

Steel Contributor

Nice, and I'm waiting the one response per person on outside of my organization.
for collect surveys from Guests

This is a very helpful new feature

Copper Contributor

I am too waiting to gather email-id of people who are filling the Survey externally. How can the feature be just anonymous when people are ready to share email-id.

While we send a Survey to person outside my organization, I would like to know which customer posted what. Otherwise how can I take action ?

Hopefully, Microsoft prioritizes this feature! Google already has it in its forms from long.

Best regards,



 @Rishi JAIN Thanks a lot for your feedback! We have put it into Microsoft Forms feature backlog already. You can also go to User Voice to vote this idea:)

Copper Contributor

How can responders verify that the form they are filling in is set to have anonymous responses and the Form owner cannot access their name or id?

Copper Contributor
Was this feature dropped? I'm not seeing it in the main forms settings or in the settings for any particular form or quiz (including a new form I just tried to create).
Copper Contributor

Excellent. I can't wait for the "same feature for external surveys outside of my organization".

It will be extremely useful. As an example, in my department we have a tradition of electing our coordinators. As it's not a general rule in the university, it isn't supported by the organization as a whole - and that's why we can't use our corporate usernames. So, we spend several days registering votes in paper (due to different schedules, day/night/weekend teams, etc).

This feature will be a welcome revolution in our micro-scale-democracy! :)

Copper Contributor

Can we create a survey with recipients of Outside the organization and the recipient can only do the survey once?

Copper Contributor

The inability to create forms to external guests is a massive failure.


I want to receive data for service requests from my clients, but the only way to allow that through this system is to give them all a seat on our Microsoft package. 


Google Forms allows you to record anything, if the user consents to give data that is their right, does Microsoft have their own version of GDPR or something? Com-eon Microsoft I'm not impressed.


What's the point of having such an intricate system which returns every external person as anonymous. Useless. How am I supposed to know who submitted the request? I need to authorize the request via encryption to make sure sure the requester is valid.





@AndrewatmyEHCP I use Google Forms but I do not see a way to set the Form such as that only one response can be submitted but also not require a sign-in. Is the true issue that MS Forms doesn't allow authentication with personal Microsoft accounts, and not just just accounts in the tenant?
Copper Contributor

@Kevin Crossman Hi Kevin, Google Forms allows the collection of email addresses from anybody, Microsoft Forms blocks any personal data from people outside your organisation and marks it as "anonymous" which is infuriatingly annoying.


There is no way to disable this through the admin portal.


The only problem is, Google forms looks very unprofessional in comparison to Microsoft Forms. I hope Microsoft add a function to disable the personal data blocker.  If people are willing to consent to provide you with their information that is their choice, not Microsoft's. all this data protection Malarchy is stupid at this level. I just want Joe bloggs to send me a request saying "I want this", and to be able to identify the request is from Joe bloggs. It's no different from an email or a text message.

Copper Contributor

Is there still no way, 2 years after this thread began, to allow external users to make one anonymous vote per person?


Copper Contributor

I have this problem, too.  I spent the best part of today, about 6 hours making a form, and now I find I am unable to collect the names of the people returning the form. 


It is absolutely pointless to only receive anonymous data back as the form is a placement test for an English class.  I need to know who did what! 


Please tell me there is a solution to this!!


Thanks in advance,



Copper Contributor

@DaveHH I realize this post is almost a year old, but in case someone else has the issue you had, you could always just add a name field or  first and last name fields to the form and mark them as required.  This allows people to submit outside of your organization, but get their names.


That being said, I was hoping to find an answer to how to keep it anonymous, but only allow one response.  Appears there's still no way to do that.

Copper Contributor

I hope there is a solution to this already --> keep it anonymous but only allow one response 

Version history
Last update:
‎Jun 04 2018 06:34 PM
Updated by: