Bookings is acting up since the end of november - lot of issues

Brass Contributor

This ticket is a follow up of an old ticket I opened in september (


Bookings shows various issues particularly since the end of november (to be more precise, on november 28th). Here are the issues we are able to trace up:

  • No internal note are shown in Outlook or Bookings calendar. 
  • Email are not formatted with the correct language, despite the page is correctly configurated.
  • Teams link in Bookings calendar are broke (shown in plain text) when you open an event.
  • .ICS of every Bookings event in outlook and bookings appear weirldy formatted.
  • The most significant problem is that reminder emails are being sent in duplicate, triplicate, and sometimes even six times to clients. Clients are displeased with the spam they receive from MS Bookings regarding their appointments. This is causing significant problems for our enterprise. We presently have two reminders email setup for client; 3 days before and one day before the appointment, and presently, if the appointment is taken within 24 hours, the two reminders emails are sent right after the confirmation email, resulting in spam. This behavior is abnormal and not in line with Microsoft Bookings' usual functionality.

We currently have approximately 80 Bookings pages in use, with around 2000 appointments scheduled each month. MS Bookings has been tested in our environment since December 2022 and implemented with customers since April 2022. This is the second time we've encountered such issues. It significantly impacts our trust in this solution and prompts us to reconsider the reliability MS Bookings is providing.


Could you please provide a quick response regarding these issues? They all emerged simultaneously. I believe this is not a coincidence. Has Microsoft made any changes on their end?

11 Replies

@cabeaudoin4 sorry about this experience. Could you please share one of your Bookings page URL to me over DM?

I confirm some of these problems within our organisation.
- No internal notes are shown in Outlook or Bookings calendar.
- Email are not formatted with the correct language, despite the page is correctly configurated.
We fully endorse the statement of the original contributor of this message: Microsoft should give a quick response and fix all these issues.
It would already be great to see in the message center that people can experience problems with the Bookings App.

Yes, I am experiencing these same issues. Microsoft needs to fix this ASAP.

@cabeaudoin4  We started having issues within this past week. Customer information is now showing in the notes field. This is frustrating.

@Hilde_D can you please DM me your Bookings page URL?

Thank you for posting these new issues with Microsoft Bookings. There are mistakes being made here and Microsoft needs to fix them immediately - or better yet undo the recent updates as it was working perfectly before. I'm using the "Shared booking pages" (not "Personal booking pages" which I noticed were added this year that are different, not as good, and adds complications in supporting my clients and users - now have to tell them not to use the "personal pages" - I see no where as admin to disable "personal booking pages").

I am also experiencing issues recently with in the past few weeks - with bookings emails and meetings not working the same as before. In our case I noticed the following so far:

(1) Email Reminders were not being sent as I had setup - the change cleared my settings !? I solved this editing each service and editing the reminder and selecting "All attendees" as it was blank ?!! and click both "Save changes" buttons. I'm sure all users would expect the change to set this by default - better sending to everyone instead of no-one !! ... otherwise why set a reminder ??!!

(2) Formatting of the emails have been been lost and no line breaks so it is hard to read the info there-in

(3) the meetings created with Bookings are not the same as before - now when I join I can not call people from the meeting - which is most frustrating - as I can't use these auto generated meetings anymore for many people expecting me to call them when they need help joining - I have to leave the meeting to call them (I have Teams Phone - and before this change I was able to click "People" and paste the phone number into the field "Invite someone or dial a number" ... but now the field is only "Type a name" and button "Share invite" - and there is nothing under options that affects this !!??
Just to let know everyone, there has been a change in the behavior mentioned:
- Internal note are showing since this morning
- Teams link are showing correctly as well in calendar event
- There is still some issue with language formatting in email, but it seems to currently only affect email sent to users (not customers). There is english with french in the title of the email only. This is not impacting the client.
- The only major issue still unresolved is the reply email sent multiple times to the same customer.

Hi @Robert_ITman 
Is some of the issues mentioned fixed for you?
On our part, there are few points back to normal.


Thank you

cabeaudoin4 - thanks for the push ... YES - looks like new bookings from today are back to how it was working before
(1) UNKNOWN - Email Reminders were not being sent as I had setup - anyone reading this should confirm their Services > Email Reminders > Send to is not blank - would assume default to be "All attendees"
(2) OK - RESTORED formatting of the emails have been restored
(3) OK - RESTORED the meetings created with Bookings are again same as before

I remarked that the layout has been fixed.
There is however another important problem which still pertains:
when a client gives extra notes at time of booking, these notes don't show up for the organizer: neither in the outlook calendar, neither on the e-mail nor neither on the client's profile within the specific booking.
This problem seems to appear for a multi-reservation, for a 1-1 reservation the note is included

We have identified a new problem on our end:
The exported data from MS Bookings (.tsv) now includes the client's name along with the service name, a situation that did not occur before mid-December. This is posing a significant problem for our data compilation process.
Before mid-December, the client's name, along with the service name, was only visible in the Outlook Calendar, this feature was convenient.
However, we do not wish for this feature to be present in the exported data from Microsoft Bookings, as it renders the data unusable for our reports.