At this time, we can only access some of the files in the group. Try again later.

Copper Contributor

I have a 2 days old group with 36Gb of files.

When I go to the "Files" section from Outlook OWA (Conversations, Calendar, Files, Notepad, ...) I'm getting this error.

"At this time, we can only access some of the files in the group. Try again later."

Is it possible that I have to wait that Microsoft Servers index all the content until the files appear in this section?

Many thanks

4 Replies

"Files" is just a composed view that spans across email attachments and documents stored in the Group library. So yeah I guess it makes sense for it to wait for the Index, especially when you have added lots of new files. @Juan Carlos González Martín is the resident SPO expert, he might be able to give a clue, if not @Christophe Fiessinger is our guy :)

To me it sounds more like a bug in the View....Have you tried different browsers?
Alvaro how many files do you have in your document library please and out of curiosity what's the use case for groups (want to understand what's generating the files)?

@Christophe Fiessinger, it has much more than the magic number 5000, in fact, it has 77000 elements.
I'm creating groups for the differents departments of the company and then I copy all files from the Windows Server to each group. This group is for the Administration Dept. and is full of Office files and PDFs.
I know that I can create different document libraries for differents kind of files, but all files are in the "Document" library because when you try to attach a group file from OWA, you can't browse throw document libraries.
In OneDrive you can do this, but in the attach file window from OWA you can't :(
So, I'll wait and I'll see if someday Microsoft Server indexes all files.
Many thanks for your help.