Vlookup from a closed workbook where the filename changes with the date.

Copper Contributor

Hi, I have a vlookup:
=VLOOKUP(C$1,'https://abcdef.sharepoint.com/sites/ABC/Shared Documents/ABC/Daily Process/CFF/FX Rates/[230710 FX RATES.xlsx]FX rates'!$A$1:$N$452,2,FALSE)

Every day I need top extend the formula to the next day and change the date in the file name to the relevant day eg: 230710 would become 230711. Would it be possible to either get the filename to increment by 1 when I drag it down or preferably use a formula (linked to a cell perhaps) that takes the date and puts that in the filename. I have seen there is an indirect formula but this involves opening the file which I wish to avoid? Any ideas?


1 Reply
It's do-able with INDIRECT but not recommended because the function requires the source workbook be open.