To Add huge set of secs.milllisec to given time in hh:mm:ss.millisecs

Copper Contributor

Start time is 10:48:00.000 (10 - hr 48 - min 00 - secs 000 - milli secs).

Requirement to add huge set of secs.milli secs to the start time

Eg: 01.408 (01 - secs 408 - milli secs).

(Start time) 10:48:00.000 + 01.408 (secs.milli secs) = 10:48:01.408.

To Take care:

1. 60 secs is 1 min, so minutes needs to get incremented accordingly, Eg:(Start time) 10:48:00.000 + 61.523 (secs.milli secs) = 10:49:01.523

2. 60 minutes is 1 hr, so hours needs to get incremented accordingly, Eg:(Start time) 10:48:00.000 + 3600.478 (secs.milli secs) = 11:48:00.478.

Need help to derive the formula / steps to achieve in Microsoft excel.

3 Replies



make sure the cells are formatted with custom number format h:mm:ss.000;@


Next, if you enter a second.millisecond number into a cell, you also have to enter the hour and minute as 0. For example enter 01.408 as 0:00:01.408 and enter 61.523 as 0:00:61.523. The last number will be converted to show as 


and you can add it to the initial time value correctly.





and if you want to type the numbers as seconds,milliseconds then:


  A B C
5 10:48:00,000 1,408 10:48:01,408
6 10:48:00,000 61,523 10:49:01,523
7 10:48:00,000 3600,478 11:48:00,478


Cell Formula
C5 =A5+B5/24/60/60
C6 =A6+B6/24/60/60
C7 =A7+B7/24/60/60


Thanks. Since, to add with secs.millisecs (set as number in Format cells), modified the formula as C1+D1/(24*60*60) which worked.
