Separate the Data

Iron Contributor

Here the Instrument Description is separated into different columns.

Pleaser refers to the excel attached.

5 Replies

@ajmal pottekattil yoousuf 

I think that would be difficult, since the parts can have a different number of words from row to row.

Do you have some kind of rule to determine which bits belong together?



if the Starting Part  is "Digital" Other Names will be there after the "Digital"

Example "Digital outside micrometer"



Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge Defelsko Positector STD (Indicator) /UTG-M (Probe) 0 to 125 mm & 0.01 mm/0.1 mm

there is no "Digital" in above string?
only separate starting with "Digital" + first capital letter as instrument name?


Some of the instrument is only started with digital 

Other's are not started with digital.

First we think to  have to segregate the Digital Family / and Non Digital Family.

take below regular expression for reference. select *,regexp2('^(Digital\s.*)(Fluke|Mitutoyo)\s(\S*)\s(\S*)\s(\S*)',`Item Description`,1) 'Instrument Name',regexp2('^(Digital\s.*)(Fluke|Mitutoyo)\s(\S*)\s(\S*)\s(\S*)',`Item Description`,2) Make,regexp2('^(Digital\s.*)(Fluke|Mitutoyo)\s(.*?)(?=\sDiff|\s0\sto)',`Item Description`,3) Model,regexp2('\sDiff.*\s|0\sto.*(?=\s&)',`Item Description`) Range,regexp2('(Digital|(?<=&\s).+)$',`Item Description`) Resolution from regular_expression_separare_instrument; or try this online tool


