Need Help w Formula to Track Sales

Copper Contributor

How do I build a formula to extract sales numbers from invoices? I have one Sales spreadsheet with a separate Sheet for each individual sale. I included only one of those sheets in the file here.


The Legend page has a menu of items that I use as a data list to populate each sales order in cell B27, like in the sheet called Schander. Beside the item in cell B27 is a quantity in cell H27.

My problem is that I don't have a running total of the different items sold on each sheet. The first item in my Legend sheet is "Convert VHS to Digital" and the price is $25. How can I find the total sales of that item over all the sheets?

4 Replies
Your spreadsheet setup isn't ideal for doing reporting. Ideally you would have all invoice lines in one big table (or perhaps two tables) and use one single "invoice" tab which allows you to choose the order ID and then shows the data from the large table. You can then use a pivot table against the large table to create the order summary.
OK it seems this is pointing me in a great direction but I'm a little fuzzy on part of it. Will get back on this later today to start w the big table and may reach back out. Thank you for your guidance! Much appreciated.

@Mike Williams Perhaps this gives you a head start.

OK I appreciate this very much! @Jan Karel Pieterse Working on it now.