How to split live incoming serial data in sheet with semicolon instead of the default comma?

Copper Contributor

Device and OS platform: PC/Windows 10

Excel product name and version number: Excel for Microsoft 365 MSO 16.0 64-bit

Excel file i'm working with is attached. It is unmodified and downloaded directly from the Microsoft STEM lessons page:


Serial numeric data string sent from Arduino UNO every 150ms with 3 different data, each separated by a semicolon. I am receiving the data into the worksheet but i do not know how to split them. I want to plot a live graph showing just the first data.


Here is a sample of the data recorded in the 'Data In' sheet:



But the worksheet by default only allows delimiters as comma separated values, so i don't know how to change this. I am trying to have the semicolon separated data listed into individual columns and get a live graph of the incoming data. Could someone please help?

1 Reply


I'm not familiar with Data Stream, perhaps this Excel and Micro:Bit - Hacking for fun and creativity! - Microsoft Tech Community helps. An option could be to use Power Query to transform data returned by Streamer, but that requires Refresh.