How to create a alphanumeric sequence on vba

Copper Contributor



I need to create a code that are composed by 2 digits and I want to use all the numbers (0-9) and letters (A-Z). Could some help me to create the vba code to do this please?



after the code 01 comes the 02

after the code 09 comes the 0A

8 Replies


If you have Microsoft 365 or Office 2021, enter the following formula in a cell. The 1294 cells below it should be empty.



If you have an older version, enter the formula =BASE(ROW(),36,2) in a cell in row 1, then fill down to row 1295.


The problem is that the codes must be like the print below.


I try to use the functions below but it didn't work...

Function fBase34(ByRef lngNumToConvert As Long) As String
'Converte base 10 para 34 (base 36 sem I e O)
Dim strAlphabet As String

strAlphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"

If lngNumToConvert = 0 Then
Base34Encode = "0"
Exit Function
End If

fBase36Encode = vbNullString

Do While lngNumToConvert <> 0
fBase34 = Mid(strAlphabet, lngNumToConvert Mod 34 + 1, 1) & fBase34
lngNumToConvert = lngNumToConvert \ 34

If Len(fBase34) = 1 Then
fBase34 = "0" + fBase34
End If

End Function


Function genUDI(ByRef decNum As Long, prefixo As String) As String
'Gera UDI com base em um numero decimal

genUDI = prefixo & fBase34(decNum)

End Function


Function nextUDI(prevUDI As String) As String
'Gera UDI com base no número anterior

prefixo = Left(prevUDI, 5)

nextUDI = prefixo & fBase34(Right(prevUDI, 2) + 1)

End Function


The function genUDI works fine, the problem is the other one...



Function nextUDI(prevUDI As String) As String
    'Gera UDI com base no número anterior
    Dim prefixo As String
    Dim prevVal As Long
    prevVal = Application.Decimal(Right(prevUDI, 2), 34)
    prefixo = Left(prevUDI, Len(prevUDI) - 2)
    nextUDI = prefixo & fBase34(prevVal + 1)
End Function


I use your vba code and it works fine but when the code is 3J, it jumps to 3L (i think that it is because i don't use the leter I), the 3N jumps to 3Q (I think that it is because i don't use O as well) and 3Z doesn't goes to 40... could you help me please. The vba code that i'm using is:


Sub removeAllDatamatrix()

For Each symbolShape In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If Left(symbolShape.Name, 1) = "5" Then
End If
Next symbolShape

End Sub

Function fBase34(ByRef lngNumToConvert As Long) As String
'Converte base 10 para 34 (base 36 sem I e O)
Dim strAlphabet As String

strAlphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"

If lngNumToConvert = 0 Then
Base34Encode = "0"
Exit Function
End If

fBase36Encode = vbNullString

Do While lngNumToConvert <> 0
fBase34 = Mid(strAlphabet, lngNumToConvert Mod 34 + 1, 1) & fBase34
lngNumToConvert = lngNumToConvert \ 34

If Len(fBase34) = 1 Then
fBase34 = "0" + fBase34
End If

End Function

Function ConvertBase34To10(Base34Number As String) As Long
Dim X As Long, Total As Long, Digit As String

For X = Len(Base34Number) To 1 Step -1
Digit = UCase(Mid(Base34Number, X, 1))
ConvertBase34To10 = ConvertBase34To10 + IIf(IsNumeric(Digit), Digit, Asc(Digit) - 55) * 34 ^ (Len(Base34Number) - X)

End Function

Function genUDI(ByRef decNum As Long, prefixo As String) As String
'Gera UDI com base em um numero decimal

genUDI = prefixo & fBase34(decNum)

End Function

Function nextUDI(prevUDI As String) As String
'Gera UDI com base no número anterior

Dim prefixo As String
Dim prevVal As Long
prevVal = Application.Decimal(Right(prevUDI, 2), 34)
prefixo = Left(prevUDI, Len(prevUDI) - 2)
nextUDI = prefixo & fBase34(prevVal + 1)
End Function


I was using the vba code that you suggested and it was going great but the code is jumping from the 3J to 3L (I think that it is becasue I don't use "I"), from 3N to 3Q (I think that it is because I don't use "O") and from 3Y and 3Z to #value... could you help me please?


The vba code that I'm using is:

Function fBase34(ByRef lngNumToConvert As Long) As String
'Converte base 10 para 34 (base 36 sem I e O)
Dim strAlphabet As String

strAlphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"

If lngNumToConvert = 0 Then
Base34Encode = "0"
Exit Function
End If

fBase36Encode = vbNullString

Do While lngNumToConvert <> 0
fBase34 = Mid(strAlphabet, lngNumToConvert Mod 34 + 1, 1) & fBase34
lngNumToConvert = lngNumToConvert \ 34

If Len(fBase34) = 1 Then
fBase34 = "0" + fBase34
End If

End Function


Function genUDI(ByRef decNum As Long, prefixo As String) As String
'Gera UDI com base em um numero decimal

genUDI = prefixo & fBase34(decNum)

End Function


Function nextUDI(prevUDI As String) As String
'Gera UDI com base no número anterior

Dim prefixo As String
Dim prevVal As Long
prevVal = Application.Decimal(Right(prevUDI, 2), 34)
prefixo = Left(prevUDI, Len(prevUDI) - 2)
nextUDI = prefixo & fBase34(prevVal + 1)
End Function

I was using the vba code that you suggested but when the code comes to 3J it is jumpping to 3L, 3N to 3Q and 3Y or 3Z to #value. Could you help me please?
best response confirmed by HSalles (Copper Contributor)


New version:

Function nextUDI(prevUDI As String) As String
    'Gera UDI com base no número anterior
    Dim prefixo As String
    Dim n As Long
    Dim prevVal As Long
    Const strAlphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    n = Len(prevUDI)
    prevVal = 34 * (InStr(strAlphabet, Mid(prevUDI, n - 1, 1)) - 1) + InStr(strAlphabet, Right(prevUDI, 1)) - 1
    prefixo = Left(prevUDI, n - 2)
    nextUDI = prefixo & fBase34(prevVal + 1)
End Function
Thank you @HansVogelaar, it works perfectly now
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by HSalles (Copper Contributor)


New version:

Function nextUDI(prevUDI As String) As String
    'Gera UDI com base no número anterior
    Dim prefixo As String
    Dim n As Long
    Dim prevVal As Long
    Const strAlphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    n = Len(prevUDI)
    prevVal = 34 * (InStr(strAlphabet, Mid(prevUDI, n - 1, 1)) - 1) + InStr(strAlphabet, Right(prevUDI, 1)) - 1
    prefixo = Left(prevUDI, n - 2)
    nextUDI = prefixo & fBase34(prevVal + 1)
End Function

View solution in original post