How do I enable Autocomplete?

Copper Contributor

I'm using the online version of Excel to keep track of my stock market trades. I'm not even sure what the actual function is called (AutoComplete or AutoSuggest?) but if I've previously entered the name of a stock and I want to add an entry for the same stock name I want Excel to pop up the list of suggestions as soon as I start typing. So, for example, I've opened a position in Roku. If I want to add a new entry for Roku I want Excel to pop up the list of all entries that start with 'R' as soon as I type the letter. It seems that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I've Googled many different articles on the subject but they're all related to the standalone version of Excel (the suite). How do I fix this? The only option available under File->Options is "Regional Format Settings". It shouldn't be this difficult to enable the feature but thus far I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. Frustrating.

1 Reply

@BodreyUpdate: I just had a Microsoft tech connect to my PC and I showed him the problem. Even he wasn't able to fix it. He claims it's a bug that exists in the web version. I disagree. I have 3 sheets and the Autocomplete feature works in one of them, but not the other two. I don't know why.