Help with Formula

Copper Contributor

Kind of new to excel... So I am looking for a way. I have 2 workbooks that I work from. There are company names with an order number within the same cell. on Workbook 1, I manually input some of the information from workbook 2 into workbook 1 as they are added. What i need to happen is example: G2 is the order number cell, E2 is the name of the company, I would like to type in G2 order number and it generates the company name associated with that number into E2. It can contain both name and number or just the name. Workbook 2, where the information comes from is filled in no particular order with jobs that are upcoming. Example: cell B2 of job, date, cell B3 name and order number of company, cell B4 is what they need.  Any advice or ideas are welcome. I can share screen shots if i can figure out how to share them here. 

1 Reply

Hi, it sounds like you need to do a VLOOKUP or even an XLOOKUP.  I'm not too familiar with XLOOKUP so you might want to search tutorials on that but I can  help with VLOOKUP. Let me know if this helps.

The easiest way I learned until I got a hang of how to create the formulas is as follows:
First, right click on the cell you want the information. There will be a bar that says "Search the Menus" and start typing VLOOKUP as below. 


You want to click on the first one and a table will appear like below


Lookup_value would be, in your case, E2.
Table_Array would be where the information is pulling from. If the information is on the 2nd workbook, you'll want to go into that 2nd workbook and highlight the entire table. For example, if you are using Columns A-D, highlight everything.
Col_index_num: Here you will enter a numerical number. In your case, you want the information to generate the name of the company. You will need to figure out in which column the name of the company is. Think of column A as #1, column B as #2, etc... if the name of the company is in column B, in Col_index_num, enter 2.
Range_lookup: if you want an exact match, enter FALSE.

Once you have everything, press ok and it SHOULD give you what you need. If I did not explain this well enough, there are plenty of tutorials on youtube and I'm sure they'll be able to explain way better than I could! Hope this info helped!!