Flash fill

Copper Contributor

Good evening everyone, I am logging survey results on an excel spreadsheet. The survey is like select 5 if you strongly agree. Is there a way to autofill. For example if a 5 is put in column i it will autofill strongly agree in column j? Thanks in advance for any help. 

1 Reply


Create a list with the scores (e.g. 1 to 5) in one column and the descriptions ("strongly disagree" to "strongly agree") in the column to the right. The list can be on the same sheet or on another one.

Select the list, then name it Scores (click in the name box on the left hand side of the formula bar, type the name and press Enter).


Let's say the scores are in A2 and down.

In B2, enter the formula


=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2, Scores, 2, FALSE), "")


and fill down as far as you want.