Excell forms

Copper Contributor

I'm hoping an expert on this site can help me.   I recently build a macro embedded form and I am trying to figure out how I can corner drag the form in order to make the window and the text larger as I drag the corners.  This macro embedded form is also deployed on a macbook pro using office for Mac.  When it is opened on the mac, the form is significantly smaller.  I also noticed that there is no developer tab in the MAc version of excel.  any insight is very appreciated.

6 Replies

@jzombek Userforms indeed are smaller when shown on a mac, but making the form sizable is not the easiest way to solve this as normally we use Windows API calls to make a form sizable and that does not work on a MAC. You could use code similar to this to make the userform OS-aware and act accordingly:

    #If Mac Then
        Dim objCtl As MSForms.Control
        With Me
            .Font.Size = 10
            .Width = .Width * 4 / 3
            .Height = .Height * 4 / 3
        End With

        For Each objCtl In Me.Controls
            With objCtl
                .Left = Int(.Left * 4 / 3)
                .Top = Int(.Top * 4 / 3)
                .Width = Int(.Width * 4 / 3)
                .Height = Int(.Height * 4 / 3)
                Select Case TypeName(objCtl)
                Case "Image", "SpinButton"
                Case "TextBox", "Frame"
                    .Font.Size = 10
                Case Else
                    .Font.Size = 10
                End Select
            End With
    #End If




To include the Developer ribbon on a Mac:


Top menu: Excel / Preferences

Icon: Ribbon & Toolbar


Find "Developer" on the left-hand side in "All Tabs" and send it to the right.

Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 16.07.54.png

@Jan Karel Pieterse Thank you very much.  This is of great help   Do I place this code at the beginning to the Module form code?


(your code right here)

Sub auto_open()
' Macro1 Macro

Sheets("FORM").Cells(1, 3).Value = "Exercises To Be Performed"
Unload UserForm1
End Sub

@Riny_van_Eekelen Thank you very much.  I will try this

The code should go in the Initialise event of the Userform.

@Jan Karel Pieterse    Okay,  I will place it there.  Thank you  again for your help.  I really appreciate it