Excel Warning - "Cell A and B key cannot be blank"

Copper Contributor

Hello. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix the error message "key cannot be blank" in my Excel file? 

2 Replies


Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix the error message "key cannot be blank" in my Excel file?


An Error Message in Excel is meant to draw your attention to the presence of an error in your spreadsheet. And it's the error that needs to be fixed, not the message.


It sounds to me as if you've created a database with one or two keys (identifiers to uniqueness of a row of data) and, yes, those cannot be left blank without rendering the database non-functional. I suppose it's possible you inadvertently created that database, so are puzzled by the error message for that reason, but it's hard to know without a more complete description of what you have created.


Would you be willing to post a copy of the spreadsheet that is generating that error, so long as it doesn't contain proprietary or confidential information? Post it on OneDrive or GoogleDrive and paste a link here that grants edit access.  That way I (or somebody else) would be able to take a look and perhaps determine the underlying condition that has caused the error message in the first place.

@mathetes Thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately, I am not able to post the file but I sincerely appreciate your insight and have conveyed the information to the technical resource who is investigating the file issue for me.