excel office 365 struggling to formatting a cell/column with date and time

Copper Contributor

Good day,

I have recently purchased the Office 365.

Now i need to format a excel cell/column that was imported from a .txt file that specify date and time of the certain program (Magtouch) that was done.


I used to import the file into excel and then i could format the date & time to DAY, DATE & TIME. (This all in one cell).

Now, with office 365 i cannot manage to do this.

Can anybody please assist me urgently?


Kind Regards


1 Reply


Alta, first be sure data was imported as date and time, not as text representation of it. You may check in any empty cell as =ISNUMBER(A1) if in A1 such date time. If TRUE, you have correct data. To apply proper format select all such cells, Ctrl+1, custom format and here

ddd dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss


If that's text (returned FALSE on test) it's better to check how is your data looks, better if you could attach small sample.