Excel Labs

Copper Contributor

Hello Team,
Does this add-in send prompts entered by the user on Excel directly to OpenAI?

3 Replies


Not sure what do you mean. OpenAI is the name of the company, it is in partnership with Microsoft, services provided are in Azure environment. Excel definitely send prompts on servers, who knows to which exactly of provided services.

Thank you for your reply!

Are you telling me that Excel Labs submit the prompts generated in Excel Labs to AzureOpenAI environment managed by Microsoft?
We know that we can utilize OpenAI ChatGPT engine in the environment managed by OpenAI company or AzureOpenAI solution in the environment manageby Microsoft.
Thus, we would like to know whom will be submitted to.

*As you may already know, Excel Labs is a function provided by Microsoft Garage.


You may check details and clarify directly from the team https://github.com/microsoft/Excel-Labs/tree/main/labs-generative-ai