Jun 24 2021 02:30 AM
So, for example, =IF((H2="")*(J2=""),"",IF(H2>J2,"overload","apples"))
this basically says if H2 or J2 are empty then return an empty string but if H2 is greater than J2 then return "overload" otherwise "apples". Fine - ok.
Now, if the values "overload" and "apples" are unknown when I write this code how do I get the output to give me "whatever the value of this string is"? Thanks for any help. Dennis
Jun 24 2021 02:53 AM
SolutionEnter the values you want to return in cells, e.g in Y1 and Z1. You can then use
Jun 24 2021 03:05 AM
Jun 24 2021 03:12 AM
I don;t understand. What do you mean by "whatever the value of this string is"? What is "this string"?
Jun 24 2021 03:49 AM
Jul 28 2021 05:26 AM
Jun 24 2021 02:53 AM
SolutionEnter the values you want to return in cells, e.g in Y1 and Z1. You can then use