Forum Discussion
Jun 24, 2021Brass Contributor
Hi, So, for example, =IF((H2="")*(J2=""),"",IF(H2>J2,"overload","apples")) this basically says if H2 or J2 are empty then return an empty string but if H2 is greater than J2 then return "overload" ...
- Jun 24, 2021
Enter the values you want to return in cells, e.g in Y1 and Z1. You can then use
Jul 28, 2021Copper Contributor
Excel IF function is used to evaluate one or more criteria to determine what value should be returned.
If the number entered into the first argument meets the criteria (first and second arguments) specified in the third, fourth, and fifth arguments of that function then it will return a "true" value, otherwise it will return "false". Here are some examples for you:
=IF(A2="", "N/A", A2+B3) -Returns a formula if item from cell A2 does not equal something else.= = =IF(RAND()>"0.05","No Conditional Result Found Yet","Conditional Statement") -This would look at how many times
For a comprehensive resource about excel IF statement you can read here in detail
If the number entered into the first argument meets the criteria (first and second arguments) specified in the third, fourth, and fifth arguments of that function then it will return a "true" value, otherwise it will return "false". Here are some examples for you:
=IF(A2="", "N/A", A2+B3) -Returns a formula if item from cell A2 does not equal something else.= = =IF(RAND()>"0.05","No Conditional Result Found Yet","Conditional Statement") -This would look at how many times
For a comprehensive resource about excel IF statement you can read here in detail