Excel AutoComplete not working with Data Validation Lists even after following all fix suggestions

Copper Contributor


I would appreciate help with AutoComplete in Excel.



- Data Validation List created does not show suggestions when typing valid entries in the dropdown cell

- Clicking on the dropdown shows the list but typing while the list is dropped down does nothing

- Just typing directly into the cell types the characters but does not provide suggestions for matching entries to choose from

- Case doesn't seem to matter - inputting the exact case of the text or all in lower case makes no difference


Things tried:

- Checked that "Enable AutoComplete for cell values" and "Automatically Flash Fill" are checked (tried while removing "Automatically Flash Fill" turned off but no difference)

- Made sure "Ignore Blank" and "In-cell Dropdown" are checked

- Made sure there are no headers above the list data linked to the dropdown

- Opened new sheet and tried from zero with no luck

- Tried with both .xlsx and .xlsm files


I'm at a loss here.  Any recommendations appreciated..


Thank You,



36 Replies

@SamB513this has been working on my machine for a few weeks but not for my son. The only reason we can find is that I'm using 64 bit excel and he, for some unknown reason, is using 32 bit excel. If you click File then Account and click the About Excel button, this is my version details - Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2307 Build 16.0.16626.20086) 64-bit.

Strangely enough, on the main Account page, my version is reported as being 2307 (Build 16626.20134 Click-to-Run)

Excel has been very problematic over the last few months - randomly crashing, mashing autorecovery files with much older files, it's been a real disappointment and, to get support, you have to pay.


If you mean


at the bottom is Microsoft Office version and on the top is Excel one within it. They are not necessary the same. However, concrete build version (and bit version) doesn't matter, they only indicate the code is within your build. But code is initiated within channel by waves, you may have two machines with exactly same builds, one have new functionality and another one not. Kind of lottery.

Update... AutoComplete for dropdown lists feature is now available in Current Channel starting with version 2306 build 16.0.16501.20004 or later!


When you see it please try it out! We’d love to hear from you whether this meets your expectations or not. Please send us feedback!




@Prash Shirolkar I am running Version 2311 (Build 17029.20068) and am still not able to use the autocomplete feature with my data validation lists. Do you have any insight into what I need to do to access this feature? I can use it on my office computer with a different login, I am just not there now to access the version I have there. 

@briannahoo Did you ever get an answer to this?  I've got the same problem (though I'm running Version 2311 Build 17029.20108) and I can't get auto-complete to work.  Are you using Office 365 or do you have a non-subscription based perpetual version?  I've got a perpetual version (Professional Plus 2021) and I'm wondering if that is the problem.

As per my post June 23, 2023, following a Microsoft 365 update, autocomplete of lists started working again for me and has worked faultlessly since. I am currently running the desktop version of a Microsoft 365 subscription (that includes Excel version 2312 build 17126.20078) under Windows 11. @jasonvr 

@muibeta Great that it's working for you, but your post is kind of confirming my suspicion.   I (and I suspect @briannahoo) are both running the perpetual versions and you're running Office 365.  Neither of us have it working and you do.

@Prash Shirolkar, any update on this? I am running Version 2308 (Build 16731.20600) and autofill for dropdowns is not working. 

@Jan Karel Pieterse 

I just experienced this issue with one of my clients who just got a new laptop and installed MSOffice365 (desktop version) after having used the workbook template for months without any issue on his old laptop.


The issue was that the version of Office365 that was installed on his new laptop was Ver 220x.  I had him upgrade Office365 (end result was Ver 2403) and the autocomplete with validation drop-down lists functionality started working as it does for everyone else in his company using the same workbook template.

@meadowsst Interesting, I am currently running V2403 on my computer at home. I will have to double check the version I have at the office. 

Nothing on my side yet, I am running Version 2403 and still cannot use the autofill for dropdowns.

@briannahoo Are you on a subscription version of Office or a perpetual?  Perpetual won't get this feature even if you have the right version (confirmed by Microsoft in another thread)

I am running office version 2404 and still cannot use the autofill for dropdowns.


Are you on 365 subscription and, if so, on which channel?

I use the MS "Home and Sutdent 2021", version 2404 (Build 17531).