Easy one

Copper Contributor

I have an easy one for you experts out there. I have sample worksheet attached, the actual has thousands of rows. I would like to be able to enter any number from Sheet 1 column A on Sheet 2 column A and have the corresponding data in Sheet 1 column's B,C,D,E,F follow?

3 Replies



Here's a solution that uses the relatively new function FILTER. It does require that you have the most recent release of Excel.


You enter the code you wish to search for in cell  B1 of Sheet2, and then this formula retrieves the full row corresponding to that code.

=FILTER(Sheet1!A1:F30,Sheet1!A1:A30=Sheet2!B1,"Not found")


@lautio See attached for two additional possible solutions.


You can use VLOOKUP for this, combined with IFERROR to suppress #N/A errors if you enter a value that doesn't occur on Sheet1. See the attached version.