Data Analysis

Copper Contributor
Can someone please explain to me how to find the Data Analysis on Excel?
7 Replies

@mari0305 You need to activate the Analysis ToolPak add-in in File > Options > Add-ins > Manage...

Hi @mari0305 


You would add them to the ribbon tools 

From File tab --> Options --> on the left side click on Add-ins --> from the bottom right side next to  manage choose Excel Add-ins --> Go -->Check the Anaylsis ToolPak --> OK

Now, you can find it on the Data tab --> in the Analysis group 

@Jihad Al-Jarady 

Thank you for that information. I see the option button but no add ins, it only shows the language setting. Any suggestions on where I can find it?


Thank you

Hi, for some reason I cannot find the add-ins, it's not giving me that option


Add-ins are only available in the desktop version of Excel for Windows/Mac, not in the online (browser) version, nor in the Android/iOS versions.

Ok, that's why I was using my laptop. Thank you
Thank you