Creating a dynamic url for web query

Copper Contributor

I am trying to query several Square API's to get cash drawer report data.  The problem is that there are 2 seperate API's that must be called.  The first returns the shift identifiers for a date or range of dates that then a second API must be called for each shift ID to get the data I'm looking for.  The shift ID from the first query (first pic below) becomes part of the URL for the second query (highlighted in second pic).


First question is how can I set up a query to dynamically change that part of the url by fetching from a cell?


Secondly, to take that a step further: how might I go about automating that to run and combine multiple queries based on the shift IDs returned from the first?




Shift Table.pngPQ Drawer Rpt.png

1 Reply
how can I set up a query to dynamically change that part of the url by fetching from a cell

XMLHTTP object?