Count - simplified for added columns

Copper Contributor

I created a count formula for uploaded date to give a version number but we add columns as more edits are made. 


I am currently adding a new section to the formula when we add a new column.


Is there a way to simplify it so its shorter and doesn't require editing:




1 Reply
best response confirmed by Laura Backshell (Copper Contributor)

@Laura Backshell don't understand why you would address every single cell in a closed range. And you have duplications in there as well. Is that intended?


I you just want to count the number of numeric entries in a range and add the letter "V" in the beginning use:






and make the range L2:Z2 large enough so that you can enter more versions later on. "V0" would mean "None".

If returning "None" is important, than you could use this:




1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Laura Backshell (Copper Contributor)

@Laura Backshell don't understand why you would address every single cell in a closed range. And you have duplications in there as well. Is that intended?


I you just want to count the number of numeric entries in a range and add the letter "V" in the beginning use:






and make the range L2:Z2 large enough so that you can enter more versions later on. "V0" would mean "None".

If returning "None" is important, than you could use this:




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