count consecutive occurrences if multiple criteria

Brass Contributor

I am counting times a value appears consecutive but i need it to only count if multiple criteria met. for example below i counting times "mike" appears consecutively. but i want "mike" along with match id or rack too


I am using =FREQUENCY(IF(C2:C9="mike",ROW(C2:C9)),IF(C2:C9<>"mike",ROW(C2:C9))) but i need to add more criteria. i was playing with it but i cant figure it out. link below. help!


Consecutive Frequency meeting multiple criteria.xlsx


3 Replies


How about this online tool?


 create temp table aa as 

select *,lag(player) over (),iif(lag(player) over ()!=player or rowid=1,rowid,'') grp from basic_count_consecutive_occurences;

create temp table bb as 

select *,fillna(grp) grp2 from aa;

select * from bb;


select grp2,player,rack,count(grp2)-1 times from bb where player like 'mike' and rack=1 group by grp2;





thank you for the reply. im looking for a formula rather than using script
best response confirmed by rangelsammon (Brass Contributor)
solved what i wanted. posting response in case someone wants
1 best response

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best response confirmed by rangelsammon (Brass Contributor)
solved what i wanted. posting response in case someone wants

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