Aug 25 2018 03:40 AM
This just started happening a couple of days ago - and only on one workbook - but on multiple sheets. When I copy a simple @sum formula across columns, some of the columns calculate correctly, some of them show the value from the originating cell - any ideas for solutions? Thanks
Aug 25 2018 03:50 AM
Hi John,
Do you have absolute or relative references in your formula? And do you see in formula bar what the formula changes for new cell?
Aug 25 2018 04:11 AM
Sergei - thanks for the reply - nope, its relative references and the auto recalculation is turned on, and its only certain columns that have this issue
Aug 25 2018 04:38 AM
All columns are formatted identically, no text formats in the middle?
Aug 25 2018 04:44 AM
Yes- just rechecked - all $ format - it only seems to be columns U - V - W - X - Y - all other columns work - and only on certian rows when I copy/past - its shown up on other sheets of the same workbook
Aug 25 2018 04:55 AM
It looks like you copied the sheet into another and some formulas keep references on initial sheet - something like this?
Aug 25 2018 04:57 AM
Could you show how the formula looks like for one of yellow cells and for another one with correct result (what do you see in formula bar)?
Aug 25 2018 05:03 AM
Here is the formula in the cell I am pasting from
and here is the formula in one of the yellow cells
Aug 25 2018 05:07 AM
And these formulas are in row #20?
Aug 25 2018 05:36 AM
yes they are - thanks
Aug 25 2018 08:05 AM
John, my last guess that's if you have circular references somewhere in calculations, not necessary in rows 10-19. It looks like numbers in row 12 are taken from row 7. If calculation for row 7 has circular reference, not necessary in the same sheet, sum for 10-19 won't be updated.
If that's not the case perhaps you may attach the file to check removing all sensitive information and sheets/numbers are not used.
Aug 25 2018 08:08 AM
SolutionSergei - thanks - I will check for circular references and if that doesn't work, attach the files
Aug 25 2018 08:10 AM
Wow - that worked - a circular reference on another sheet that fed into the sheet that was giving me the problem - thanks so much
Aug 25 2018 08:21 AM
Glad to know, one more issue less in this life
Aug 25 2018 08:39 AM
yes - thanks again - I was not optimistic that this random error could be fixed
Aug 25 2018 08:08 AM
SolutionSergei - thanks - I will check for circular references and if that doesn't work, attach the files