Complex numbers in Excel

Brass Contributor

Did you know that Excel can handle complex mathematical operations with complex numbers? Complex numbers, expressed as "a + bi," where 'a' and 'b' are real numbers and 'i' is the imaginary unit, can be powerful tools in various scenarios. Think engineering, physics, signal processing, or even financial modelling.


Excel offers native support for complex numbers, and you can perform basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division just as easily as with real numbers. If you haven't explored this yet, give it a shot! It's as simple as entering a formula like =IMSUM(A1:B1) or =IMPRODUCT(A1:B1)


One nifty feature is the ability to convert complex numbers from rectangular to polar form and vice versa. This can be a game-changer in certain calculations, especially when dealing with phase angles or magnitude-based analyses. For this you can make use of the =IMABS(A1) and =IMARGUMENT() functions.


As complex numbers are considered to be text within Excel you will need special functions to perform arithmetic with them, such as IMSUM, IMSUB, IMPRODUCT, and IMDIV.


Excel can help you plot complex numbers on the complex plane using the XY Scatter chart! you will need the IMREAL and IMAGINARY functions to extract the real and imaginary coefficients from the complex number to use them to plot the numbers. This feature can be invaluable when dealing with complex data sets or analysing the behaviour of complex functions.


If you're interested in learning more about complex numbers, I made a video covering all functions that work with complex numbers in Excel:


Have you worked with complex numbers before in Excel? What specific use case did you have? Were there any obstacles you had to overcome?

1 Reply
Excellent video. Very informative.
Is it possible that a mathematical expression contains more than one imaginary number? Because in your example all complex numbers have only one imaginary number. If so then how would we break real and imaginary parts?