Compare two files with saving only the difference

Copper Contributor

Hi, I have 2 files that are very similar in terms of values, but there is a slight difference between them. I want to get the difference between these two files in the new file. The files are 90% the same with the same columns, but they differ in a few of them. Does anyone know how to do this and if it can be done?

2 Replies


You can maybe compare two Excel files and save only the differences into a new file.

Here is a general approach you can take:

  1. Open both Excel files: Open the two Excel files that you want to compare.
  2. Identify the columns for comparison: Determine which columns in the two files you want to compare. Make sure that the columns you select are common between the two files and contain the data you want to compare.
  3. Use formulas or conditional formatting to identify differences: In the new file or a separate worksheet, you can use formulas or conditional formatting to highlight or identify the differences between the two files.

For example:

    • Use formulas like IF or VLOOKUP to compare values in corresponding cells between the two files.
    • You can use the COMPARE function to compare two lists of values and highlight the differences, if you have Excel 365.
    • Use conditional formatting rules to highlight cells where differences are found.
  1. Review and save the differences: Review the identified differences and make any necessary adjustments. Once you're satisfied with the comparison, you can save the new file with the identified differences.

Here are a few additional tips:

  • If the files are large or complex, you may want to consider using a specialized tool or software designed for comparing Excel files. There are several third-party tools available that can automate the comparison process and generate detailed reports of the differences.
  • Make sure to carefully review the identified differences to ensure accuracy. Depending on the complexity of the data and the comparison method used, there may be false positives or missed differences.
  • Consider documenting the comparison process and any criteria used for identifying differences to make it easier to replicate or review the results later on.

By following these steps, you should be able to compare two Excel files and save only the differences into a new file. The text was created with the help of AI.



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Hope this will help you.


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If the comparison being done is strict cell-for-cell book A vs book B, you could enable Inquire (if you're using an Enterprise version aka Excel provided by an employer) and use Compare Files.