Discussion - Updating our interface with Fluent touches


Hi Insiders. We have received a whole lot of feedback on the overall design of the next version of Microsoft Edge. First off, we would like to thank you all for the feedback that you have submitted.  We also want you to know that we are continuing to evolve the look and feel of the new Microsoft Edge.  You can see our progress in our new icon, in the changes to dark theme, on the layout of the settings pages and in the style of the controls that we have added so far. Our goal has been to modernize the next version of Microsoft Edge while keeping the feel of the original. In the five years since we released the first Microsoft Edge browser with Windows 10, the Microsoft Design Language has and will continue to change and adapt.  We have been evolving our user interface with this in mind and may be the first place you see some of these changes. We are planning on continuing to apply elements of the Microsoft Design Language to align with other Microsoft products.


We are thrilled with how much you think about the look and feel of the new Microsoft Edge browser.  As we dug into the feedback, we found different ideas lumped together into very broad buckets and felt like we needed to re-sort the issues into new categories that are more specific to the actual issues that were being discussed.  The previous categories that we have been reporting on are:

  • Update the user interface with the Fluent Design System
  • Make tabs more square and less rounded, like the current version of Microsoft Edge
  • Provide a transparent theme for the browser frame
  • The address bar and text are too large

The first step of this journey was to dig into each of the feedback items individually and understand what your ask was, and if there was a reason listed for the feedback.  This helped us better understand why you are asking for these changes.  The next step we took was to recombine the feedback and sort it into more specific buckets.  We understand change is challenging, and we are not changing our interface just to be different.  We have been working closely with our designers to get a look and feel that aligns with our Fluent Design language and meets our standards for usability and accessibility.  It is our goal for our design to be easier to use on a daily basis.  When you provide feedback, it helps us to challenge our assumptions and makes us reanalyze our conclusions.

Based on this analysis, we are seeing the following themes emerge from your comments: we will be tracking and following feedback in these categories going forward:

  • Ability to add distinct color or color themes to the main browser interface.
  • Add transparency or other material effect to the main browser interface.
  • The corners of the tabs and browser buttons have been rounded too much.
  • Make the tab band and address bar / toolbar smaller if device doesn’t support touch capability.
  • Update or add animations to user interface.
  • Add a reveal effect to highlight on mouse hover.

We would love to start talking about these items now.  Please let us know if you think that we are on the right track with the changes we have made so far. The most impactful feedback is that which lists the task that you are trying to accomplish, the challenges that you face while accomplishing it, and your ideas on how it could be made easier. Also, feel free to reach out if you think that we have missed something important here.  We will always take feedback and suggestions to help us make this the best, fastest, most productive browser possible.

479 Replies
yes the topic is about Fluent touch - but the change also changed font of address bar text - and apparently youngsters at Microsoft and Google are ignoring middle aged people like us user experience. I have 150% system zoom but that does not do a **bleep** thing about the itsy bitsy address bar font



it's not about 150% screen magnification!

you have to use advanced scaling throughout the system please try and change these settings to 150% but it's really a very large magnification! 

No - i changed display scaling in windows 10 native scaling. changed to 150% as well as 175% in advanced scaling. No effect on actual font size of the addressbar. I am not talking about Edge zoom 0- I was also talking about Windows native display scaling. (confirmed on regedit with logpixels)



I'm 27 "1440p and 100%, and even though I don't have perfect eyesight, it's fine for me :smile:


The same size with Chrome if I remember correctly

yeah when I was 27 I could reach the stars :) we will talk again in 15 years lol It is not fine for me I have 1080p display. an I am at 150% and everything is fine except for the address bar font. Yes Chrome messed it up few months back and I left Chrome - I was hoping Edge did not buy into the madness like Chrome. Sadly all chromium based browsers are going for this nonsense. I wished they understood middle aged people like us a bit more when making these decisions. it is a nightmare for me and I now have no bloody browser that is comfortable enough anymore. I am using laptop display 15 inch not external monitor - maybe the issue is only on laptop size not on external monitors. I really do not want to invest on external monitors nor i like adding more clutter on desk


So looks like my screen can high contrast is the solution for you! 

Zrzut ekranu 2021-05-30 230407.png

looks like you are using smaller size screen with higher resolution and high scaling ? there is barely 2 words on your addressbar :)


For me it is good - it has been working reliably for a long time!

Zrzut ekranu 2021-05-30 233331.png



@MissyQ herself asked for comment on the size reduction here in this post

You can see her order here: Top Feedback Summary for May 12 - Microsoft Tech Community
In the second paragraph she comments on the link to this post for discussion

You Can't Read The Text Properly In 1080p Imagine Me Reading It On A 1920x1080 Pixel Screen!!
yea that is same res as mine - 1080p :) i hate the new change - wished they had an option to keep old size. Middle aged folks like me can struggle !
It actually looks somewhat like Google's chrome now, Everything in chrome is too small and that's why I hate it and love edge !!
exactly! could not agree more. it looks like chrome now :\ Chrome User experience is down the gutter for a while now and I hate it! Edge still has useful right click context, new tab context etc. Chromium used to have it and chrome threw away all the good features i used to love. edge has been so much better experience (minus this awful address bar change )

@MissyQ I have raised it before several months on this thread and also sent feedback multiple times. Still unable to switch from Chrome because of this.



One more thing, the thread we had on the Answers community for this issue had been deleted for some reason. It was here.

No problem to read in 1080p and 1440p (which has a smaller font)
It is best to increase the scale on Windows for those who have difficulty reading (The "tablet mode" design on a monitor is just awful) 


As we said, the writing size has no relation to the topic (Fluent touch) :smile:

You know the worst part?? They made the address bar smaller in stable too!!
why are you trying to push Edge to become "like" Chrome? If you want it to behave like Chrome just go ahead and use Chrome - can;t you? Why are you pushing the ruin the Edge user interface now that Chrome has ruined its interface? Give everyone a break and use Chrome. Leave Edge alone
Like I said, 15 years from now, you will understand what people like us are feeling about this change. If you want Chrome like experience please use Chrome why bother to use Edge? I loved Edge because of how usable the interface was and how Edge had kept useful features that Chrome had changed that made user experience worse for people like me. If it is about managing code base from Chromium - I get it. But pushing Chrome like changes into Edge because of user experience is BS. Those who want to see edge behave like Chrome should just use Chrome
Exactly!! The Chrome UI Is Really Really Bad And Kind Of Old Also,Whereas Edge Has A More Fluent,Big UI Elements Which Are Really Easier To Work With! You Know Have Of The Time I Click The Wrong Button Only When I Used Chrome :grinning_face_with_sweat:But Then Moved To Edge Because Of Its UI And Features!
People Who Want The Address Bar To Be Smaller Switch To Chrome!As Simple As That! Or If Microsoft Directly Reverts The Changes And Then Adds A Slider, That's Even Better(•‿•)

Also,I Don't Think Microsoft Does Really Look At This Feedback, Because It's More Than 2 Months We Are Discussing On This Topicಠᴥಠ

We Never Want to Build A Copy Of Chrome,Firefox,Opera And Other Browsers!! We Always want To Build A Better, Productive With Lots Of Features But Easy To Use Microsoft Edge!

Agree With Me??

Thank You
Have A Great Day