Outlook login issues with WVD - FSLogix

Copper Contributor

Having an issue where user of WVD Windows 10 Multi-session have issues moving between hosts. Essentially first login on a host is fine, when the user moves to a new host outlook eventually says "need password" however the modern authentication prompts are never presented to the user.


Anyone have any insight? Perhaps Something with AzureFiles / FSlogix?


Thanks in advance.



220 Replies


Just tried and we did not have any lock ups after locking the screen and trying to access a shared mailbox.


In addition, i also changed the users registry key and disabled cached mode without any ill effects to their experience. No need to create a new ost or sign in to authenticate, it simply loaded email from exchange online.

The changes stuck with their profile through different WVD machines.


I will add navigating through outlook is maybe 1% slower in terms of loading/ flipping through inboxes and containers.

Most won't notice as its a consistent speed and doesn't lockup or freeze like it would before when trying to download 6 months of emails in a shared customer service inbox, so to them its "faster".



did you use the market place image: windows 10 multi + office pro plus gen 1

@aaronlindsey  Isnt there a registry setting where you can prevent outlook from cacheing shared mailboxes, but keep the local mailbox cached? I'm sure they added that in. I think its a setting that you can do too.

Hi @Wyatt_Best


Thanks for sharing it. Actually, I have reset all profiles. It fixed the main problem. I also had to redeploy my hosts because we were getting some conflicts (eventually Teams or Onedrive started in disconnected) and I saw my old hosts were with some references on Azure AD. Today was the first day after all renewed Seems that users could work fine.

One of the issues that is in place after changes is that all Office apps are like standalone. They asked to type in credentials in all of them. I'm thinking what a mess will be to change passwords. How have you workaround it guys?


Hi @Mark Lunn


Thanks, Actually, I reset all profiles and redeployed my hosts. Users were going crazy with issues.


Do you think there is a chance to get it solved definitely with no workarounds? It's affecting the user experience on WVD, we should be able to join machines to Azure AD manually. In our case, because of AADDS, we don't have a chance to configure a hybrid using AD Connect.




Unfortunately, our users just authenticate a lot. It's extra burdensome because we have MFA enabled.

@Mark Lunn I want to say thank you for your posting and willingness to provide a script to correct this issue after it has occurred.  It's one thing to have a workaround to keep future profiles from becoming FUBAR'd but a solution/script/process to fix existing profiles will be tremendously helpful.  I have been chasing this issue on Server 2019/FSlogix/O365 for the last 9 months and am so excited we have a possible fix I can barely type this message.


For everyone else out there beating your heads @Wyatt_Best's suggestion of allowing users to run the shortcut below provides an immediate, manually intensive instant gratification workaround.  A logon script would be great but the below get's the job done.


dsregcmd.exe /forcerecovery


To everyone who has contributed to this thread, thank you!

Thank you all who contributed to this thread. Unfortunately, we are still seeing weirdness. Will be deploying 2 new hosts into a new pool. @jodycohen, wonderings since we use AADDS as well. How should these machines be connected to the AD? Are registry keys required for 2004v? What is the preferred route with Vanilla images?

WVD, 2 x Windows 10 Deployed in Application Group w/Office 365 w/FSLogix redirected to Fileserver.

User logs on, profiledisc created, user logs on, gpo's work fine and all behaves 'correctly'.

we configure outlook (autodiscover via O365) and outlook starts.

user logs off and at next logon if they are redirected to another host all hell breaks loose.

outlook says; "password required". If we click the prompt the 'signon' bliks and dissapears.
E.g. Outlook does not work any more.

If we then remove profile (%appdata%\local\microsoft\outlook inkl. roaming) and create new profile and try to configure outlook it gives an error 'are you this user' blablabla...

Tried setting different regsettings but nothing helps also tried updating to newest Windows 1909 but to no avail.

if we however DELETE the entire VHD profile then we can configure outlook for that user again but only that way.


These are the reg keys we used for WVD session hosts :



If you go back to some of my other posts, I describe what is happening in detail.  The short version is that Office Pro Plus is doing workplace join as designed for non-Hybrid Azure AD joined devices on Host A.  The Modern Authentication/Azure AD token contains a device ID tied to Host A.  When the user logs into Host B, the token is invalid as the device ID no longer matches to the host.  So, Outlook freaks out and Modern Auth breaks.

You must get the registry keys in place on the hosts (I used a GPO), then delete the user profile to clear the token/workplace join settings in the user's profile. 

Although, I think someone else in this thread figured out a command to remove the workplace join without needing to delete the profile, not sure.

I believe that the new multi-session Windows 10 images have the registry key by default but your issue indicates that you do not have the keys.

@Mark Lunn (or anyone else with it) I would be very interested in the script to remove all Workplace join without having to recreate all users. I messaged you separately as well. Thanks.

Hi Ben, apologies I am currently on holiday and don’t currently have access to my laptop. Will reply to you message and send you the details when back next week if that’s ok.

@Lunny That would be great! Thanks!

This maybe an old thread but... using WVD, Fslogix and Azure files and having the black screen issue, I disabled the app readiness service and started seeing this issue. Re-enabling the app readiness service on a Windows 10 Multi-session PC resolved the issue again. It might help someone. @DAsnow 

@BenModicaHave replied to you message with the details 

@Mark Lunn  Hi, I'm seeing the exact same issues with an RDS 2019 deployment using Fslogix and modern authentication. For now we have disabled it to mitigate the issue. But we would like to enable it again. I'm interested in the script to modify existing profiles.



Were you able to get hold on a script for fixing existing profiles?

Would be very interesting..


@Mark Lunn We are having the same issue and would be interested in the script if you are willing to share.

Hi  @RedJeepGuy have sent you a PM with the details in.


@Mark Lunn Can you also send the script my way? thanks!