We're Listening!


Greetings Microsoft Edge Insiders!

Let us start off by saying, welcome to the Microsoft Edge Insider community! We’re so excited to have you here, and we can’t wait to start learning from you. If you haven’t read our Welcome to the Microsoft Edge Insider community article yet, we recommend starting there. It has a bunch of great information on how we got here and where we’re heading.
Our mission:
Our mission is to create a thriving community of valuable Insiders, like you, so we can closely listen and learn how Microsoft Edge can be better. We believe that having open, honest, and continued conversations with our Insider community is a great way to build a close relationship with our users.

Why do all of this? Because we want to build a browser that’s deeply grounded in your needs. Your voice is the most important piece of helping us build a better Microsoft Edge. The feedback you provide leads to meaningful conversations that may ultimately produce the new features, bug fixes, and other improvements that matter the most to you. Listening is just the beginning for us. Our true goal is to build Microsoft Edge with the voice of the Insider community as our guiding light.


Community voice

When we announced the next version of Microsoft Edge back in December, we asked a simple question: If you could change one thing about the web, what would it be?
We were completely humbled by the over 40k comments you’ve shared with us. That’s a whole lot of ideas. Thank you!


You tell us that you love some things about the current Microsoft Edge browser, like the smooth scrolling experience, our Fluent Design and the precision touchpad, and you hope we’ll bring those things forward into the next version too.

Some of you are frustrated with the way that sites render so differently depending on the browser you're using to view them. You also tell us that Web Standards are on the top of your mind. We hear that you want all browsers to adopt the same standards. We hear from some of you web developers that you want new capabilities added to the web platform; whether that be in CSS, HTML or JavaScript. Another top request is an improved dev tools experience.

We hear that you have strong feelings about online advertising. Some of you wish ads that pop-up would just disappear and the same for auto-playing ads. While others feel a strong desire to remove or fundamentally change how online advertising works on the web. There is concern how these advertisements enable sites to track you as you browse which feels "creepy" and "invasive."

The overwhelming majority of comments (we’re talking thousands of messages) that we have read wish for a change in the fundamental attributes of the web. Make it faster, safer, more reliable and more private. You want your browsers to have smaller memory footprints, lower battery consumption, higher rendering speed and better stability. We agree with you wholeheartedly! The attributes that you say matter most in your browsing experience are performance, privacy, and reliability. So that is where we are starting.
We are focusing on delivering outstanding fundamentals. Speed, stability, accessibility, compatibility, security, and privacy are always top of mind for us. We are using your comments and suggestions to guide us while we are getting the new Microsoft Edge ready for its debut.



What’s next?
In the meantime, jump in, download the Microsoft Edge Insider Channels, and let us know what you think. What’s working well? Where do we need to improve? Over time, we hope to build healthy engagement and feedback loops with our community members.


We’re also mindful that our users have preferred ways to engage with us. Whether you view the latest information on the Microsoft Edge Insider website, enjoy direct discussions on our forum, need a personal support assistant via help (F1), share your feedback and suggestions via the smiley face, or just want to give us a shout on Twitter, we’re always listening and looking for ways to reach out wherever our users feel most comfortable and prefer to talk to us. We’re all ears!


Thank you for being here. We look forward to listening and engaging with you.


-The Microsoft Edge Team-


1,189 Replies

On second read I probably didn't explain it properly. I didn't mean the search bar/address bar find feature that looks up via Bing/Google/Duckduckgo what have you but similar to pressing Ctrl+F on a web page and perform a text search.



I really liked the ink tools on the old edge. I would love to see that here.

Yes, that supports my hunch ;) Had a feeling you were after something like that. I can offer this... One can do search in similar ways, but, using the OS. Right now Win+S or hit search icon or start typing in its box. Soon in Win10 will be able too open Start and type to search. I get none of that is what you are wanting.... But, sorta ;)


Sent from my Windows Phone
This is one of a list of "must haves" or "keepers". The more people vocalizing this same stuff the better. We THINK this and the rest of the list is "Coming soon"; we hope.

But, keep repeating, anyway.


Sent from my Windows Phone

@Elliot Kirk I totally get that nothing is free, I understand the need for ads if you don´t pay a fee to be in a website, I also understand the need for the ones who put the ads to have some metrics on it, otherwise there´s no way of knowing if the campaign is working, up to that point I'm ok with it. 


What I don´t like, and I think it should be something of an option, is to browse one day about VW Beetle classic dashboards, maybe just because I was having a conversation with a friend about it, and the next day I´m receiving articles about VW Beetles and being offered products for VW Beetles... **bleep**!... It´s like when you go to a store and you have the salesman glued to you, asking if he can be of any assistance and trying to find out what you want and offering help at every step. Some people like that kind of attention, others don´t... So maybe some people like that thing about receiving info related to their browsing habits, others don´t. Personally I like to do my own navigation, my own searches, take my time, and decide when I need something. 

Find on page....

@Elliot Kirk I have suggestions for Microsoft Edge, I use maxthon as my default browser, I'm going to tell you what features made decided for it. 

1. When I watch videos, it let me open them in a player, so i can see other tabs and have the video always on top, I can resized bigger, smaller or full screen.

2. Has a resource detector, that let you download videos, audios or images in the site.

3. I can download an image as easy as clicking control plus left button in the mouse.

4. Password creator and password vault. 

5. Ghost email, I create an email for a website that I want to subscribe but dont want to put my real email so I avoid spam, for example microsoft@uumail.uu.me (the uumail.uu.me is created prior) and they send me the email that goes to that fake email. 

6. It has a feature like "recortes" from windows (Idk the name in English), and it lets me cut a part of the page and save the image. 

7. It has a divided screen, I can navigate two pages at the same time, one left one right. 

8. It has an adblocker, but I guess all explores have it. 


What I  like about edge:

1. The read aloud feature. 


So, yeah, you have a lot of homework if you want me to change to Edge as a default browser. 


I have / see no ads, but, then again, I have an ad blocker in place, in play.


@JoseOrtega I believe thats the function of cookies, to track what you've been looking for and then show you advertising about that thing. So one way to stop that is to delete cookies, and also in settings in your google account you can change the advertising settings, so it shows you ads, but not according to your search history. / Creo que esa es la funcion de las cookies, graba tus busquedas y luego te trae publicidad sobre eso, lo que puedes hacer es eliminar las cookies de vez en cuando, o configurar el explorador que no las guarde. Tambien puedes desactivar la personalizacion de anuncios en tu cuenta de google,  arriba donde sale tu foto de perfil en el buscador, estan las opciones, te metes a cuenta y luego a privacidad y personalización. Saludos.

Can pick whether ads are tailored to you or not.

Just have an ad blocker

Yes, that was kind of my point, but for what I gather, he doesn't want the adblocker, becuase is fair for the websites to make money out of ads., just not tailored. Without the adblocker, deleting cookies or changing configuration in google, is a way to go.

@EdgarG  You´re right, besides, there´s a lot of sites nowadays that ask you to whitelist them if you run an ad blocker which is annoying. I´ll try your suggestions.

@Drew1903 Thank you, but I´m not looking to block everything, just don´t want to be offered things according to what I happen to read or look for.



tal vez, es el adblocker particular utilizo, pero solamente muy raramente tiene un sitio quejarse sobre el ad blocker. Cuando lo hago, toma un nanosegundo para deshacerse de él y llevar a cabo... pero, sin duda, diferentes personas diferentes cosas molestas.





One does not want to keep cookies, that's true, but, they do need to be & can be allowed for many things.

Here are 3 possible scenarios:

1. Ads not personalised.
2 Ads that are personalised
3. Use an ad blocker & have none.


@Elliot Kirk Hello! I recently downloaded Edge Dev a week ago and it's amazing! I love how light and fast it is. Although, it has developed a SERIOUS issue that renders it useless. Whenever i open edge dev, it crashes between 1 - 10 seconds of opening it and i tried to fix it by clearing the cache and stuff. Any help on this? 


We are not all seeing this behavior.  For some (maybe many) of us YT is just fine.


@Elliot Kirk  Hello, I'm here as a web designer and developer to see how Edge performs compared with other browsers. Internet explorer was a nightmare in every way possible. Let's hope edge has something better to offer. While edge is said to not have any ties with IE, it has similar iconography, colour scheme and branding so that's what is going to turn people away.

@Elliot Kirk 


we are using web view control in wpf application which supports edge. When edge is moved to chromium, will it work the same?

@Elliot Kirk . when will edge mobile will have built in ad-blocker. I am using adguard app for safari and do use Edge mobile. However, some website has alot of ads that really annoyed. Also, feel like on the yahoo page, the rendering has some issue where the add on the page are overlapping. I actually reported in the dev channel, waiting to see if it will be fixed.