Access freezes when I copy a record

Brass Contributor

Windows 11 Office 365 Access


Suddenly, when I copied a record in the database Access froze as if it didn't have enough memory. I tried compact and repair, repairing Office, uninstalling and reinstalling Office 365, exporting the database into CSV and importing back as text into a new table in a clean database, after that didn't work, I reduced the number of entries by 80% and imported as text into a fresh table. It still froze as soon as I control-C for 45 to 50 seconds each time.


A completely different Access database is experiencing a shorter delay after each control-C


Has anyone encountered this error or know a reputable contractor who specializes in such file specific issues?

102 Replies


Several people at my company are unable to copy and paste from MS Access. 
They are also unable to uninstall the update.  It gives an error saying the update is required and cannot be uninstalled.  Is there any update about this issue.


This thread seems to be the only source of information about the issue. I keep checking here and looking for Windows updates, hoping the Windows team has fixed the bug.

@George Hepworth 

I am having the same problem with a database I have been using for more than 20 years with 12,000 entries.  Recent change from Microsoft 10 to my new computer with Microsoft 11.  Was not a problem before the change.  I saw that you let Microsoft know, any word on if they have fixed it?  Thanks for your work and help.


Brand new Windows 11 PC, out of the box, installed Office. Same problem, database is linked to SQL Server. Can copy the data in a single field/cell in a table just fine. If the user selects more than a single field/cell Access crashes, waited up to 5 minutes, nothing. Tried uninstalling update, unable to uninstall.

Been using this database for at least 20 years. Moved it to a Sharepoint Site, for all non-Win 11 users copying works just fine, for Win11 users, copying more than the data in a single field doesn't work at all.
The most common reasons for Access database crash include: Corruption in one of the reports inside the database can cause it to crash while launching. Erroneous code within a report can cause the process MSACCESS. EXE to terminate suddenly.

This is quite likely to be the result of the Windows bug previously reported in this thread. Microsoft is aware of it.

However, you say "Moved it to a SharePoint Site...." That's a bad idea. Trying to run an Access accdb from SharePoint creates problems. Move the Back End accdb of the relational database application to a shared folder on your network and give each user a copy of the Front End accdb, which is installed on their own computers.
Same issue! Started I think around win 11 update. I can copy / paste separate fields fine but when I try c/p entire line access will hard freeze every time. Only happens in Access. Sometimes I can copy & quicky select another field right away it won't freeze (for what ever reason) but still an issue. Tried repair & several go.
Just to add
So (for me) All features of Access runs fine, only untill I copy/paste an Entire Field/Line ( I can c&p single fields without any issues ie: no crash. Tried many separate data backups same issue..
I installed this week's WIN 11 update. No change. Larger Access tables freeze when you copy or cut whole lines



I have documented the bug in our new Access blog. An affected user has commented there that Access behaves normally again if he runs it as administrator. Perhaps this is a possible workaround for some of you here.


When you try it, then please report if it works for you or not, so that I can keep the article up to date.


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Its working lol I don't know bc i swear I tried this 1 week ago & didn't work. So I save & closed the app. Then run as admin = working copy & paste!

+Thanks so much for passing the info bud+

@Karl Donaubauer Yes indeed, the problem disappears completely when I run Access in administrator mode! Thanks and hopefully Microsoft will soon fix the Windows bug that causes the problem in the first place.

FIXED! DEC. 17th 2022
(well for me any-case)
The Fix: Run as Admin. Note: (even if you are logged in the cpu as the admin
1): Close/save Access
2): Open Access as Admin.
1st. Must Right click on the .exe Access file
2nd. Select "Run as Administrator"
That's it! Let all know if this works for you & keeps working-


Right. Strange how a small c&p bug exist in 2022 ' More like a 1995'

@ete_954 Run as administrator works fine as a workaround, unless the table you are working with is on a network.  That requires some remapping of the drives for use in an elevated process.


Would be nice if the issue was simply fixed...

I fixed this issue a while back by uninstalling KB5019980.  I've since dropped my guard and thought that MS had fixed this issue, but recently I had to copy a record and this issue reoccurred.  Since I could not uninstall KB5019980, cause it didn't show in my updates as one I could uninstall, I started uninstalling the most recent updates and worked my way backwards until this issue was fixed.  It t turns out that after I uninstalled KB5021255, which took a bit longer than the others, my issue was fixed and everything works as it should.




Yes, uninstalling the causing update is also what I've always suggested as workaround #1 in my documenting article.


Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything from Microsoft about this problem since they announced they were investigating it.



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Just installed the latest February Cumulative update, and the problem still exists.



Yes, unfortunately. The current status is still (quote from my documenting article )

"On 30th January, we learned that Microsoft is still actively working on this. We will let you know when there is new information."


When we get details/a date on a fix, I'll update the article and report back here.



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@Karl Donaubauer 

I can't copy anything other than one cell. Multiple cells or an entire record completely freezes access. My entire job is based on data manipulation in Access as a project engineer for a construction company. And NO ONE ELSE in the company is experiencing this, so the common thought is... "you're doing something wrong. Figure it out". My job is in jeopardy because of this.