set an automatic date

Copper Contributor

I have a Word template located on a Sharepoint site. From this Template a number of documents are generated.

I set an automatic date so that the file creation date is always reported on it, however the template creation date is reported on the produced documents, instead of that of the new document.
How can I set the automatic date to indicate the creation date of the new generated file?


Thank you

1 Reply


Generally, the CreateDate field when place in a template will show the creation date of the template in the template and the creation date of a derivative document in the document.

Using Date Fields in Microsoft Word


Note that the CreateDate field result in a document can be changed by using SaveAs or copying the document to a new location.


To prevent that you would want to lock or unlink the field before the save that would change the date.


I am not using SharePoint and I have heard that templates act differently on SharePoint. If that is the case, you would need a macro.